m (Added links to presentation slides and webinar recording hosted on YouTube.)
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==March 29, 2023 Updates to the Minnesota Stormwater Manual==
==March 29, 2023 Updates to the Minnesota Stormwater Manual==
An MPCA staffer will walk through changes in the organizational structure of the stormwater wiki, provide an overview of how to search for topics, and summarize recent updates to the content of the wiki manual. The presentation will be recorded.
Mike Trojan walked through changes in the organizational structure of the stormwater wiki, provided an overview of how to search for topics, and summarized recent updates to the content of the wiki manual.
Wednesday March 29, 2023, 10-11 AM
PowerPoint: [[Media:Updates to the Minnesota Stormwater Manual Mar2023.pptx.ogg]]
*[https://youtu.be/zW3MFzldyiE Recording]
Powerpoint file:
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTZmZGE0ZmItMzBmOC00MDI3LTkzMzItMGE0YjkzNmE3YTk4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22eb14b046-24c4-4519-8f26-b89c2159828c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fb06def5-7c27-475c-9592-c0b8f230f466%22%7d Teams meeting link]
==January 19, 2022 - Pretreatment==
==January 19, 2022 - Pretreatment==
Latest revision as of 20:27, 9 August 2023
This page contains information on webinars for the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Please note that the PowerPoint files may contain links. To make the links live you must be running the Powerpoint slide show.
March 29, 2023 Updates to the Minnesota Stormwater Manual
Mike Trojan walked through changes in the organizational structure of the stormwater wiki, provided an overview of how to search for topics, and summarized recent updates to the content of the wiki manual.
Overview: While the benefits of pretreatment are well understood, we continue to see ineffective pretreatment as a result of poor design or construction, inadequate maintenance, incorrect choice of practice, inadequate sizing, and so forth. The objectives for this webinar are to reiterate the role and importance of pretreatment, provide examples of good and recommended practices, and discuss some common concerns with pretreatment implementation.
Introduction to and importance of pretreatment: Dr. John Chapman, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, University of Minnesota
Examples of selection, implementation and efficient maintenance of pretreatment practices
Noah Czech, Stormwater Compliance Specialist, City of St. Cloud, Minnesota
Mike Isensee, CPESC, Administrator, Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District
Observation of pretreatment practices - the good, bad, and ugly
Chris French, Regulatory Manager, Bio Clean Environmental
Weiss, P.T., A.J. Erickson and J.S. Gulliver. (2007). "Cost and pollutant removal of storm-water treatment practices." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 133(3), 218–229. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2007)133:3(218).
Overview: Engineered media and designs with media amendments are increasingly being used to meet water quality targets for stormwater runoff. This webinar will highlight on-going work related to bioretention and engineered media.
U of M research on engineered media: Andy Erickson
On-going research
Biochar: Ed Matthiesen (Wenck Environmental Consulting and Engineering, now a part of Stantec)
Spent lime in permeable barriers: Keith Pilgrim (Barr Engineering)
Layered systems: Curt Coudron (Dakota County)
Compost: Andy Erickson (University of Minnesota)
Peat, taconite: Meijun Cai (University of Minnesota Duluth)
Overview: This webinar will provide information on the importance and value of street sweeping for controlling nutrient loading to receiving waters, an overview of a new street sweeping crediting tool for phosphorus, a discussion of street sweeping guidance, and a discussion of additional research needs. The tentative agenda is as follows.
Opening statement - the importance and value of street sweeping: Randy Neprash, PE, Minnesota Cities Stormwater Coalition, Stantec
Discussion of trees as a source of nutrients in urban stormwater, focused on impacts of trees: Dr. Sarah Hobbie, Distinguished McKnight University *Professor, Dept. of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, University of Minnesota
Overview of recently developed street sweeping calculator: Aileen Molloy, Tetra Tech
Overview of draft guidance for street sweeping: Hillary Yonce, Tetra Tech
Discussion of additional research needs: William Selbig, Research Hydrologist, USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center
June 18, 2019 - Minnesota Stormwater Manual updates on Stormwater Pretreatment Practices
Overview: This webinar covered material developed through multiple work orders during 2018-2018. The objective was to update the pretreatment information in the Minnesota Stormwater Manual, which included information on vegetated filter strips, settling practices, case studies, and a tool for selecting the appropriate pretreatment practice.
Forrest Kelley (Capitol Region Watershed District) - local perspective on pretreatment
Katy Thompson (RESPEC) - case studies
Dr. Scott Struck (Geosyntec) - pretreatment practices and pretreatment selection tool
February 27, 2019 - Infiltration at sites with potential contamination
The MPCA hosted a live webinar on February 27, 2019, 8:30-11:30. The presenter was Mike Trojan from the MPCA and the webinar was attended in person by several stormwater representatives.
August 7, 2018 - Stormwater management for Solar Projects
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) hosted a live webinar on Tuesday, August 7, 10:00-11:00 (Central time).
Logan Quiggle - Stormwater Engineer; MPCA
January 9, 2018 - Maximizing stormwater BMPs for phosphorus removal
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) hosted a live webinar on Tuesday, January 9, 1:30-3:30 (Central time).
Abstract: Despite our best intentions, sometimes our stormwater Best Management Practices do not do what we want or expect of them. This is particularly true for stormwater management of phosphorus. We have invited three expert speakers to discuss three particularly important and perhaps not fully understood BMPs – wet ponds, bioretention, and street sweeping/litter management. The speakers will discuss why these BMPs have often not achieved water quality goals for phosphorus and present approaches to maximizing their pollutant removal effectiveness.
Joe Bischoff - Principal Aquatic Ecologist; Wenck Associates, Inc.
Dr. Andy Erickson - Research Associate; St. Anthony Falls Laboratory; University of Minnesota
Dr. Sarah Hobbie – Professor; Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; University of Minnesota
The MPCA hosted a live webinar on updates to the MIDS Calculator (Version 3). This webinar focused on bioretention media, bioretention vegetation, and tree-based bioretention. Guest speakers included:
Fred Rozumalski, Registered Landscape Architect- Barr Engineering
Marcy Bean, Professional Landscape Architect-Mississippi Watershed Management Organization and
Mike Isensee-Administrator, Middle St. Croix Watershed Management Organization
March 15, 2017 - Updates to the Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) Calculator
The MPCA hosted a live webinar on updates to the MIDS Calculator (Version 3). This webinar focused on recent updates to the MIDS Calculator and included example applications and a tour of the supporting information in the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. The webinar included the following topics:
Using the new underground infiltration BMP
Using the updated harvest and use BMP
Using the new impervious surface disconnection BMP
Several other minor changes will be briefly discussed (see Updates to the MIDS Calculator)
Note that it is your responsibility to attend the webinar and document your attendance, including downloading the certificate. The MPCA documents people who attended the webinar or training, including the times they were logged in to the event, and will provide this information to certifying boards if requested. We cannot document people who have viewed recorded webinars. We provide a form summarizing the justification for offering pdhs. See File:CONTINUING EDUCATION ASSESSMENT FORM - Stormwater Manual webinars trainings.docx