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<td>Improve water quality, especially in areas with impaired or polluted waterways</td>
<td>Improve water quality, especially in areas with <span title="Impaired waters are bodies of water that exceed the limits of one or more parameters for surface water quality"> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Special_Waters_and_Impaired_Waters '''impaired''']</span> or polluted waterways</td>
<td>Install GSI upland of waterways<br>
<td>Install GSI upland of waterways<br>
Preserve natural buffers around waterways
Preserve <span title="A vegetative setback between development and streams, lakes, and wetlands whose aim is to physically protect and separate the resource from future disturbance or encroachment"> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Construction_stormwater_best_management_practice_%E2%80%93_buffer_zones '''buffer zones''']</span> around waterways
<td>Alleviate recurring local flooding issues</td>
<td>Alleviate recurring local flooding issues</td>
<td>Install infiltration-based GSI.<br>
<td>Install <span title="Infiltration Best Management Practices (BMPs) treat urban stormwater runoff as it flows through a filtering medium and into underlying soil, where it may eventually percolate into groundwater. The filtering media is typically coarse-textured and may contain organic material, as in the case of bioinfiltration BMPs."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Stormwater_infiltration_Best_Management_Practices '''infiltration''']</span>-based GSI.<br>
Reduce imperviousness through GSI
Reduce imperviousness through GSI
<td>“Green” highly impervious or urban areas to reduce the urban heat island effect</td>
<td>“Green” highly impervious or urban areas to reduce the urban <span title="an urban area having higher average temperature than its rural surroundings owing to the greater absorption, retention, and generation of heat by its buildings, pavements, and human activities."> '''heat island'''</span> effect</td>
<td>Increase tree canopy<br>
<td>Increase tree canopy<br>
Reduce imperviousness through vegetation-based GSI practices like bioretention  
Reduce imperviousness through vegetation-based GSI practices like <span title="Bioretention, also called rain gardens, is a terrestrial-based (up-land as opposed to wetland) water quality and water quantity control process. Bioretention employs a simplistic, site-integrated design that provides opportunity for runoff infiltration, filtration, storage, and water uptake by vegetation. Bioretention areas are suitable stormwater treatment practices for all land uses, as long as the contributing drainage area is appropriate for the size of the facility. Common bioretention opportunities include landscaping islands, cul-de-sacs, parking lot margins, commercial setbacks, open space, rooftop drainage and street-scapes (i.e., between the curb and sidewalk). Bioretention, when designed with an underdrain and liner, is also a good design option for treating Potential stormwater hotspots. Bioretention is extremely versatile because of its ability to be incorporated into landscaped areas. The versatility of the practice also allows for bioretention areas to be frequently employed as stormwater retrofits."> '''bioretention practice'''</span>

Revision as of 13:40, 5 July 2022

Example goals and objectives when planning green infrastructure
Link to this table

Example goals Example objectives
Improve water quality, especially in areas with impaired or polluted waterways Install GSI upland of waterways

Preserve buffer zones around waterways

Alleviate recurring local flooding issues Install infiltration-based GSI.

Reduce imperviousness through GSI

“Green” highly impervious or urban areas to reduce the urban heat island effect Increase tree canopy

Reduce imperviousness through vegetation-based GSI practices like bioretention practice

Provide a neighborhood or community amenity Incorporate GSI as part of a larger neighborhood amenity like a pocket park or playground
Increase biodiversity and native habitat Use native vegetation as part of a GSI project
Address socio-environmental issues in the community Incorporate GSI as part of an overarching strategy to address socio-environmental concerns