20:40, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Can subgrade be modified to slow the rate of infiltration?(content was: "<font size=5> Can subgrade be modified to slow the rate of infiltration to less than 8 inches per hour? Are there adverse surface water hydrologic impacts from..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:39, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Select FTO 2 hydrologic(content was: "Select FTO Alternative No. 2 *Maximize infiltration BMPs to treat up to the 0.55 inch goal, if possible *Explore non-infiltration volume reduction practices *prov..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:39, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Provide soil boring or infiltration test results(content was: "<font size=5> Provide soil boring or infiltration test results documenting low-infiltration soils. Is Flexible Treatment Alternative No 1 feasible, allowing BM..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:39, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Are there very high infiltrating soils?(content was: "<font size=5> Are there very high infiltrating soils (greater than 8 inches per hour) present on site? Is BMP relocation onsite to a lower infiltrating locatio..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:39, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page FTO 2 linear(content was: "<font size=5> Select Flexible treatment Option 2 </font size> *Provide documentation of offsite runon to project area *Provide documentation of lack of right-of-..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:37, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Select FTO 1 low rate(content was: "<font size=5> Do the following conditions apply? *There are very high infiltrating soils (more than 8 inches per hour) on the site; *BMP relocation to an area wit..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:36, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Raise the BMP(content was: "<font size=5> Raise the BMP enough to achieve 3 feet (preferably 10 feet) of soil separation between the bottom of the BMP and the top of bedrock or groundwater...." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:35, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Can BMP be sized to drain within 48 hours(content was: "<font size=5> Can BMP be sized to drain within 48 hours (24 hours in locations that are tributary to trout streams)? Are there very high infiltrating soils?|Ye..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:35, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Select FTO 1 hydrology(content was: "Select FTO Alternative No. 1 *Maximize infiltration BMPs to treat more than 0.55 inch goal if possible *Provide report documenting potential hydrologic impacts fr..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:30, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Are there very low infiltrating soils?(content was: "<font size=5> Are there very low infiltrating soils (less than 0.2 inches per hour) present on site? Is BMP relocation onsite to a higher infiltrating location..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:29, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Is karst present on this site?(content was: "<font size=5> Is karst present on this site? Yes Is shallow groundwater or shallow bedrock present on the si..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:28, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page FTO 2 linear zoning(content was: "<font size = 5> Do the following conditions apply? *There are existing or proposed structures or infrastructure that make FTO 2 not feasible and *BMP relocation..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:28, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page FTO Alternative 2 Linear(content was: "<font size=5> Do the following conditions apply? *Zoning and land use requirements make FTO 2 not feasible and *The BMP cannot be relocated to accomodate zonin..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
20:28, 18 November 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page FTO 2 linear structure(content was: "Do any of the following conditions apply? (NOTE: If any condition applies, you do not need to answer the remaining questions.) *The site is located within a DWSMA..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
02:24, 28 October 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Is FTO 1 structure feasible 2(content was: "<font size = 5> Do the following conditions apply? *There are existing or proposed structures or infrastructure that make FTO 2 not feasible and *BMP relocation..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))
02:24, 28 October 2014 Xjingtalkcontribs deleted page Is FTO 1 structure feasible(content was: "Do any of the following conditions apply? (NOTE: If any condition applies, you do not need to answer the remaining questions.) *The site is located within a DWSMA..." (and the only contributor was "Mtrojan"))