Residential pollution prevention methods effective for controlling or reducing total suspended solids (TSS).
Link to this table

Practice Relative effectiveness Method Image
Better Sidewalk and Driveway Cleaning1 High Sweep sidewalks and driveways and dispose of sweepings in the trash instead of using hoses or leaf blowers to clean surfaces.
Better sidewalk driveway cleaning.jpg
Exposed Soil Repair1 High Use native vegetation or grass to cover and stabilize exposed soil on lawns to prevent sediment wash off.
Exposed soil repair.jpg
Native Landscaping High Reduce turf areas by planting native species to reduce and filter pollutant-laden runoff and prevent the spread of invasive, non-native plant species into the storm sewer system.
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Healthy Lawns High Maintain thick grass planted in organic-rich soil to a height of at least 3 inches to prevent soil erosion, filter stormwater contaminants, and absorb airborne pollutants; limit or eliminate chemical use and water and repair lawn as needed
Healthy lawns.JPG
Yard Waste Management1 Moderate Prevent yard waste from entering storm sewer systems and water bodies by either composting or using curbside pickup services and avoiding accumulation of yard waste on impervious surfaces; keep grass clippings and leaves out of the street.
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Better Car and Equipment Washing1 Moderate Wash cars less often and on grassy areas using phosphorus free detergents and non-toxic cleaning products or use commercial car washes to prevent dirty wash water from flowing to storm sewer systems and water bodies.
Better car washing.jpg
Better Sidewalk and Driveway Deicing1 Moderate Reduce or eliminate the need for deicing products by manually clearing sidewalks and driveways prior to deicer use; use environmentally-friendly deicing products when possible, apply sparingly and store properly if used.
Better sidewalk driveway deicing.jpg

1 Photo credits