Median pollutant removal percentages for several stormwater BMPs. More detailed information and renages of values can be found in other locations in this manual, as indicated in the table.
Link to this table

Practice TSS TP PP DP TN Metals Bacteria Hydrocarbons
Infiltration 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Biofiltration 85 link to table link to table link to table 50 35 95 80

1BMPs designed to infiltrate stormwater runoff, such as infiltration basin/trench, bioinfiltration, permeable pavement with no underdrain, tree trenches with no underdrain, and BMPs with raised underdrains.
2Pollutant removal is 100 percent for the volume infiltrated, 0 for water bypassing the BMP. For filtered water, see values for other BMPs in the table.