Constructing infiltration systems.
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Constructing infiltration systems

The final step when all contributing drainage areas have been stabilized

Noncompliant construction Compliant construction
In these pictures, inlets to the infiltration basin were not protected, and sediment enters the basin from exposed soils on the still active construction site. The basin was not protected from sedimentation, and sediment runs off the side slopes and is deposited in the basin.
Inlets to the infiltration basin were not protected.PNG
Heavy equipment should work from outside of the infiltration basin so soils are not compacted. In this photo, the basin has been over-excavated as designed. The excavator sits outside the basin and uses a frost ripper to loosen the soils. The same process is used to incorporate a sand/compost mix into the basin.
Heavy equipment will compact soils and infiltration rates will decrease or stop.PNG