Information: This page was updated October 31, 2019. Read table caption below.

Event mean concentrations for dissolved phosphorus. This table was updated October 31, 2019. We retained data from the previous table, but we recommend using the median values from a literature review (3rd column). To see supporting information used to derive this table, link here.
Link to this table

Study Land cover/land use Range (mg/L) Mean Median Number of samples
12 Commercial 0.01-0.47 0.09 0.06 42
12 Industrial 0.03-0.45 0.14 0.09 63
12 Residential 0.04-0.84 0.25 0.21 77
29 Transportation 0.11 28
34 Mixed 0.01-1.4 0.2 0.15 147

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.52 0.61 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.4 0.14 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.14 0.04 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.05 0.03 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.04 0.02 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.03 0.02 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.04 0.02 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 1.54 0.81 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.12 0.08 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.11 0.07 25

57 Wisconsin Medium density residential 0.11 0.07 25

58 EPA (NURP) Residential 0.143

58 EPA (NURP) Mixed 0.056

58 EPA (NURP) Commercial 0.08

58 EPA (NURP) Open 0.026