Green roofs occur at the beginning of stormwater treatment trains. Green roofs provide filtering of suspended solids and pollutants associated with those solids, although TSS concentrations from traditional roofs are generally low. Green roofs provide both volume and rate control, thus decreasing the stormwater volume being delivered to downstream BMPs.
One of the goals of this Manual is to facilitate understanding of and compliance with the MPCA Construction General Permit (CGP), which includes design and performance standards for permanent stormwater management systems. Standards for various categories of stormwater management practices must be applied in all projects in which at least one acre of new impervious area is being created.
Although few roofs will meet or exceed the one acre criteria, roofs can contribute to the one acre determination at a site. Therefore, green roofs can be used in combination with other practices to provide credit for combined stormwater treatment, as described in Part III.C.4 of the permit. Due to the statewide prevalence of the MPCA permit, design guidance for green roofs is presented with the assumption that the permit does apply. Also, although it is expected that in many cases the green roof practice will be used in combination with other practices, standards are described for the case in which it is a stand-alone practice.
Green roofs are an ideal and potentially important BMP in urban retrofit situations where existing stormwater treatment is absent or limited. Green roofs can be particularly important in ultra-urban settings.
The following table provides guidance regarding the use of green roofs in areas upstream of special receiving waters. This table is an abbreviated version of a larger table in which other BMP groups are similarly evaluated. The corresponding information about other BMPs is presented in the respective sections of this Manual.
Design restrictions for special waters - green roofs
A portion of rain that falls on green roofs is stored in the green roof media and eventually lost to evapotranspiration. Green roofs therefore provide qater quantity treatment.
Rain that falls on a green roof soaks into the soil and
Surface runoff almost never occurs on a green roof except during massive rainfalls. The FLL (Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e.v.) guidelines for saturated hydraulic conductivity of growing medium for multi-course extensive green roofs, for example, is 0.024 to 2.83 inches per minute. Green roofs are analogous to thin groundwater systems. Discharge from a green roof is best understood as ‘groundwater baseflow’ from this system. This is apparent when you consider the time delay between rainfall peaks and discharge peaks on green roofs. For a green roof area of 5,000 square feet, the delay may be 60 minutes; versus 15 minutes if a surface flow ‘time of concentration’ was calculated using the Mannings formula, or similar. Green roofs do not have curve numbers, since nothing infiltrates.
Times of concentration in the context of TR-55, do not apply to green roofs. There should be no surface flow under normal conditions. Rather, the rate at which water is discharged from the roof depends on the design of the subsurface drainage zone. The appropriate parameter is transmissivity.
Green roof growing media water storage potential and evapotranspiration (ET) potential are dynamic. The pattern of water uptake and release from the surface media can be summarized as follows.
ET rates also vary over time, depending on climatic conditions, soil moisture, and vegetation vigor, cover, and species. Several studies have shown rapid water loss through ET immediately after a rain event, and much slower ET rates starting 5 to 10 days after soil was saturated, when plants need to start conserving water to survive (Voyde et al 2010, Rezaei et al 2005).
Preliminary research results indicate that transmissivity of the drainage layer significantly affects how much rain a green roof retains and evapotranspires. Transmissivity of typical geocomposite drain sheets ranges from 0.050 to 0.200 square meters per second (ASTM D4716 and ASTM 2396), which is 50 times greater than that of a typical 2 inch granular drainage layer (0.001 to 0.004 square meters per second). Lower transmissivity results in longer residence times for rainfall in the green roof. This translates to more efficient water absorption and longer delay in peak runoff rate. Preliminary research results indicate that green roofs that have a drainage layer with lower transmissivity have significantly higher ET rates.
A model that accounts for these dynamic processes is needed to accurately reflect green roof hydrology. However, studies and field experience have found that maximum media water retention(MMWR) —the quantity of water held in a media at the maximum media density of the media using the ASTM E2399 standard testing procedure, provides a very approximate estimate of event green roof runoff retention potential. The aggregated effect of storage and ET processes in green roofs can result in annual runoff volume reductions of 60 percent or more. However, the increase in retention storage potential with increasing soil depth is not linear. This is a consequence of the non-uniform moisture distribution in the soil column. Consequently increasing media thickness above 4 to 6 inches does not provide significant increase in retention storage potential in many instances.
Studies show that, compared to traditional hard roofs, green roofs:
Green roof stormwater performance is affected by regional climatic conditions, storm size, rain intensity, frequency, and duration, antecedent moisture in the soil, transmissivity of drainage layer, vegetation species and diversity, length of flow path, roof size, growing medium composition and depth, and roof age.
For small rainfall events (typically less than ½ inch) little or no runoff will occur (e.g. Rowe et al 2003, Miller 1998, Simmons et al 2008, Moran et al 2005). Lower intensity storms also result in greater stormwater retention than high intensity storms (Villarreal and Bengtsson 2005).For storms of greater intensity and duration, a vegetated roof can significantly delay and reduce the runoff peak flow that would otherwise occur with a traditional roof.
Annual runoff volume reduction in northern temperate regions is regularly measured to be 50 to 70 percent when the media thickness is 3 to 6 inches (e.g. Berghage et al 2010, Carter and Rasmussen 2006, Van Woert et al 2005, Moran et al 2005, Van Seters et al 2007, Berghage et al 2009, literature review in Magnuson Klemenic Associates. 2007). While no green roofs have been monitored for annual stormwater retention in Minnesota, green roofs in Minnesota’s climate (with shorter storms, and generally enough time to allow evapotranspiration to renew much of the soil water holding capacity between rain events) are expected to retain about 70% of annual runoff. Berghage et al’s results published in 2010 of an extensive green roof with 3 inches of growing medium in Chicago IL, a climate similar to Minnesota’s climate, found 74 percent annual retention over a 2 year study period that included 106 precipitation events. Higher reductions are attainable by maximizing design for stormwater retention and evapotranspiration (e.g. Compton and Whitlow 2006 – see case studies).
Green roof stormwater performance is affected by regional climatic conditions, storm size, rain intensity, frequency, and duration, antecedent moisture in the soil, transmissivity of drainage layer, vegetation species and diversity, length of flow path, roof size, growing medium composition and depth, and roof age.
For small rainfall events (typically less than ½ inch) little or no runoff will occur (e.g. Rowe et al 2003, Miller 1998, Simmons et al 2008, Moran et al 2005). Lower intensity storms also result in greater stormwater retention than high intensity storms (Villarreal and Bengtsson 2005).For storms of greater intensity and duration, a vegetated roof can significantly delay and reduce the runoff peak flow that would otherwise occur with a traditional roof.
Annual runoff volume reduction in northern temperate regions is regularly measured to be 50 to 70 percent when the media thickness is 3 to 6 inches (e.g. Berghage et al 2010, Carter and Rasmussen 2006, Van Woert et al 2005, Moran et al 2005, Van Seters et al 2007, Berghage et al 2009, literature review in Magnuson Klemenic Associates. 2007). While no green roofs have been monitored for annual stormwater retention in Minnesota, green roofs in Minnesota’s climate (with shorter storms, and generally enough time to allow evapotranspiration to renew much of the soil water holding capacity between rain events) are expected to retain about 70% of annual runoff. Berghage et al’s results published in 2010 of an extensive green roof with 3 inches of growing medium in Chicago IL, a climate similar to Minnesota’s climate, found 74 percent annual retention over a 2 year study period that included 106 precipitation events. Higher reductions are attainable by maximizing design for stormwater retention and evapotranspiration (e.g. Compton and Whitlow 2006 – see case studies).