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The MPCA estimator tab (worksheet) presents an optional calculator to compute the pollutant load reduction for total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (TSS), E. coli (EC), and fecal coliform (FC). Results from the estimator can be used in the Cumulative reductions tab of the TMDL Annual Report form.

Gather BMP information

STEP 1: Define the watershed boundaries of each TMDL study area that intersects your jurisdiction. Steps 2-8 are completed for each TMDL calculation.

Information: Note: The Estimator can only be used for one TMDL at a time. If a Permittee has multiple TMDLs and chooses to use the Estimator, separate calculations must be made for each TMDL.

STEP 2: For each TMDL, determine which BMPs are reducing loads that can be quantified in the estimator.

Step 5 and Step 6