Links to other manuals.
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Locale Name Manual Source Year published
British Columbia Stormwater Planning: A Guidebook for British Columbia Government of British Columbia 2002
California Stormwater Best Management Handbooks California Stormwater Quality Association varies with handbook
Cold Climates Stormwater Practices for Cold Climates Center for Watershed Protection]
Colorado Erosion Control and Stormwater Quality Guide Colorado Department of Transportation
Connecticut 2004 Connecticut Stormwater Manual Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection 2004
Delaware Conservation Design for Stormwater Management Guidance Manual Delaware Sediment and Stormwater Program 1997
Georgia Georgia Stormwater Management Manual Atlanta Regional Commission 2001
Great Lakes Catching the Rain: A Great Lakes Resource Guide for Natural Stormwater Management American Rivers 2004
Idaho Catalog of Stormwater BMPs for Idaho Cities and Counties Idaho Department of Environmental Quality 2005
Illinois Illinois Urban Manual NRCS
Iowa Iowa Stormwater Manual Iowa Department of Natural Resources 2010
Maryland Low Impact Development Hydrologic Analysis Prince George’s County, Maryland
Maryland Maryland Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area 10% Rule Guidance Manual Center for Watershed Protection
Maryland Maryland Stormwater Design Manual Volumes I and II Maryland Department of the Environment
Michigan Guidebook of Best Management Practices for Michigan Watersheds Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Minnesota Alternative Stormwater Best Management Practices Guidebook Valley Branch Watershed District
Minnesota Erosion Control Handbook for Local Roads Center for Transportation Studies
Minnesota Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas: Best Management Practices for Dealing with Storm Water Runoff from Urban, Suburban, and Developing Areas of Minnesota Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Minnesota Shoreland Best Management Practices University of Minnesota Extension Services
Minnesota Urban Small Sites Best Management Practice Manual Metropolitan Council
Minnesota Best Practices for Meeting DNR General Public Waters Work Permit Minnesota Department of Transporation
Nationwide National Engineering Handbooks NRCS
Nationwide Planning and Design Manual for the Control of Erosion, Sediment, and Stormwater U.S. Department of Agriculture
Nationwide Stormwater Best Management Practices in an Ultra-Urban Setting: Selection and Monitoring U.S. Federal Highway Administration
New Jersey New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
New York New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
North Carolina Stormwater Best Management Practices North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Oregon Portland’s Stormwater Management Manual Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
Pennsylvania Draft Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Vermont Vermont Stormwater Management Manual Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
Vermont Vermont Stormwater Resources Vermont Water Quality Division
Virginia Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook Department of Conservation and Recreation
Washington Highway Runoff Manual Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington King County, Washington Surface Design Manual King County Department ofNatural Resources
Washington Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington Washington State Department of Ecology Water Quality Program
Wisconsin Dane County Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Manual Dane County, Wisconsin