Required and recommended minimum vertical and horizontal setback distances. This represents the minimum distance from the infiltration practice to the structure of concern. If the structure is aboveground, the distance is measured from the edge of the permeable pavement to the structure. If the structure is underground, the vertical setback distance represents the distance from the point of infiltration through the bottom of the system to the structure, while the horizontal setback distance is the shortest distance from the edge of the system to the structure.
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Structure Distance (feet) Requirement or recommendation Note(s)
Vertical Saturated soil 3 Requirement
Bedrock 3 Requirement
Karst 3 Requirement
Horizontal Drinking water well 100 requirement
Building/structure 10 Recommended
Surface water none unless local requirements exist
Septic system 35 Recommended
Contaminated soil/groundwater
Slope 200 Recommended from toe of slope >= 20%
Karst 1000 up-gradient 100 down-gradient Requirement Active karst