The Construction Stormwater Permit requires a higher level on engineering review for proposed infiltration projects in areas overlying an Emergency Response Area (ERA) where the vulnerability of the DWSMA (Drinking Water Supply Management Area) is classified as moderate, or in areas outside the ERA where the vulnerability of the DWSMA (Drinking Water Supply Management Area) is classified as high or very high. This page provide guidance and recommendations for conducting a higher level of engineering review.
The figure at the right illustrates protection designations used to manage public water supply wells that have wellhead protection plans.
A public water supply well is vulnerable if:
Five classes of vulnerability exist: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Within high and very high vulnerability designations, contaminants at the land surface have the potential to move quickly to the underlying aquifer.
There are two conditions in which infiltration is prohibited under the Construction Stormwater General Permit unless a higher level of engineering review is conducted and demonstrates that a functioning treatment system will prevent adverse impacts to groundwater.
It is important to understand limitations of maps depicting vulnerability. These maps are typically based on a limited number of borings that have been drilled and analyzed by geologic experts. Although in some locations there are numerous well boring logs, these logs are compiled by well drillers. Well logs therefore lack sufficient detail and expert interpretation to provide precise interpretations by geologic experts reviewing the boring logs. In addition, soils and geologic deposits can vary widely over short vertical and horizontal distances, particularly in more complex geologic settings. Consequently, classification of vulnerability represent best professional judgement.
In the first condition above, a contaminant will potentially be transported to an underlying aquifer within a moderate time frame (e.g. one year to a decade). The concern is that contaminants reaching an aquifer within the ERA can be transported to a public supply well within a short time (less than one year). It is therefore important to collect additional information about the geologic materials overlying the aquifer or ensure a minimal risk of contaminant exposure in these settings.
In the second condition, contaminants will potentially be transported quickly to an aquifer, but the public supply well is outside the ERA. Determinations of ERA are based on sound geologic analysis and modeling, but other receptors beyond the public water supply well are not considered. Thus, private wells in these settings are at risk. Engineering review in this situation entails either conducting more detailed geologic analysis or modeling or conducting a well receptor survey.
The two conditions requiring higher levels of engineering review differ.
1. Condition 1: Moderate vulnerability overlying an ERA. Because there is a high degree of certainty regarding the boundaries of the ERA, the purpose of the engineering review in this case is to conduct a detailed geologic analysis or provide reasonable assurances that risk of contaminant exposure is limited.