This page summarizes exercises used for MIDS calculator training workshops.
Two workshops were held (December 5 and 7) and attended by a total of 22 people. Attendees were asked to choose from a list of problems and solve the problem in the MIDS calculator. Below are examples of approaches that could be used for each problem. These are just example solutions and you are encouraged to try different solutions.
Click on the Excel files to open and then save them on your computer. Open the MIDS calculator and open the file of interest. Included below is a discussion of BMPs and routing for each problem. If you are reviewing calculator files, here is a link to some common things to look for.
Exercises 1-4 and 2-6 are not discussed below. Workshop participants were asked to evaluate existing MIDS calculator files for these problems. These files can be accessed at the following links.
Problem: A 60-acre residential development on B soils (0.45 in/hr). The development includes 50 homes, each on 1-acre lots, and 10 acres of green space. The green space includes 5 acres of wooded trails and a 5-acre recreation area (e.g. ballfields). Total impervious is 25%. Meet the MIDS performance goal of 1.1 inches.
The BMPs utilized and their sequencing in a stormwater treatment train is shown in the figure to the right and summarized below.
The example utilizes several practices for illustrative purposes and does meet the 1.1 inch performance goal. Note the very high removal for phosphorus and TSS, partly because of the use of a stormwater pond that does not reduce volume but does reduce pollutant loading.
Problem: A 5-mile public transportation corridor serving light rail and low speed traffic. The corridor is on A soils (0.8 in/hr) and is 0.1 mile in width. The corridor is 100 percent impervious except for pervious areas associated with BMPs.
This site consists of 320 acres of impervious surface. The BMPs utilized and their sequencing in a stormwater treatment train is shown in the figure to the right and summarized below. Linear underground BMPs are logical BMPs for this setting.
Some other BMPs that could have been incorporated include planter boxes using the disconnection BMP and green roofs. Infiltration basins would be more effective than bioinfiltration but provides fewer aesthetic benefits.
Problem: A 12-acre (3 block) private development in downtown. Site is on B soils (0.45 in/hr). Buildings are being demolished and replaced by a new corporate complex that will include several new buildings and a 1-acre plaza. Roads constitute 5% of the total area. The area is 100% impervious, except for the plaza, which could be up to 25% pervious.
This site consists of 11.75 acres of impervious surface in an ultra-urban setting. There are 0.25 acres of pervious surface. BMP selection is limited at this site because the B soils do not make underground infiltration a cost-effective BMP. The following scenario was used to meet the performance goal.
Although we attain the performance goal, our phosphorus retention on an annual basis is only 61 percent. This is because green roofs do not provide phosphorus attenuation.
Problem: A 40 acre development site on B soils (0.30 in/hr). A significant portion of the site is underlain by bedrock within 3 feet of the land surface (see Figure 1). The site includes 30 acres of residential land use (30% impervious), 5 acres of commercial land use (60% impervious), and 5 acres of green space.
The proximity of bedrock to the land surface will dictate how the site is developed. The commercial area and green space will likely exist on the area with bedrock less than 3 feet from the land surface. The Construction Stormwater Permit prohibits infiltration in areas where groundwater is less than 3 feet from the land surface. The land use breakdown for the portion of the site with bedrock less than 3 feet of the land surface is as follows:
The area with bedrock greater than 6 feet consists of 6 acres of residential, with 1.8 acres of this impervious and 4.2 acres pervious. The area with bedrock from 3 to 6 feet below the land surface includes 14 acres of residential consisting of 4.2 acres of impervious and 9.8 acres of pervious. The entire site has 12 acres of impervious surface and 28 acres of pervious surface.
To conceptualize this site, consider the following BMP options for the three land areas.
The diagram at the right illustrates the BMPs used for this exercise. Below is a short summary of some features.
The MIDS performance goal of 1.1 inches off impervious surfaces is met at this site.
Problem: A 40 acre development site. Half the site (20 acres) is on C soils (0.20 in/hr) and half is on D soils (0.06 in/hr). The site includes 30 acres of residential land use (30% impervious), 5 acres of commercial land use (60% impervious), and 5 acres of green space.
Assume half of this site is on D soils and the other half is on C soils. Using the MIDS Design Sequence Flowchart-Flexible treatment options, Flexible Treatment Option 1 should be set as the performance goal.
In the MIDS calculator, change the performance goal to 0.55 inches, resulting in a performance goal of 23958 cubic feet.
For simplicity we divided the site into two similar areas, one for C soils and one for D soils. We employed the same suite of BMPs for each soil. These are illustrated to the right and consisted of the following.
We achieve the 0.55 inch volume goal and 95 percent total phosphorus removal.
Problem: A 5-mile public transportation corridor serving light rail and low speed traffic. The corridor is on C soils (0.2 in/hr) and is 0.1 mile in width. The corridor is 100 percent impervious except for pervious areas associated with BMPs.
This is the same problem as Exercise 1-2 except it is on C soils. Underground infiltration, used for Exercise 1-2, is not a practical BMP for this situation. Because the media depth is restricted to 0.8 feet if we want to meet the 48 hour drawdown requirement, we have to enlarge the area of the tree trench. We can also increase the porosity of the tree trench to the maximum recommended value of 0.35. The increase in porosity from 0.25 (Exercise 1-2) to 0.35 gives a 40 percent increase in water retention. Other suitable BMPs include using planter boxes, green roofs, a limited amount of permeable pavement, biofiltration, and indoor use of harvested water. These BMPs are summarized below.
Having 17 percent of the site in a tree trench system would be challenging, but since the area is primarily a transportation corridor, there would likely not be space restrictions.
Problem: A 12-acre (3 block) private development in downtown. Site is on C soils (0.2 in/hr). Buildings are being demolished and replaced by a new corporate complex that will include several new buildings and a 1-acre plaza. Roads constitute 5% of the total area. The area is 100% impervious, except for the plaza, which could be up to 25% pervious.
The volume performance goal can be achieved at this site but requires aggressive bmp management. If most of the roof system was routed to extensive green roofs, about 53 percent of the performance goal could be achieved. If the entire road system was underlain by tree trenches, another 30 percent of the performance goal could be achieved. The remaining volume control can be achieved through use of biofiltration in the plaza area, indoor use of harvested runoff (for toilet flushing), use of planter boxes, and incorporation of intensive green roofs. The following bmp system was established.
The performance goal is achieved with this system. If we made 1 acre of the green roof an intensive green roof with 8 inches of media, we could capture an additional 4000 cubic feet of water. Other options for capturing runoff include using planter boxes and expanding use of harvested water. Volumes retained with these would likely be very small.
Problem: You represent a regulated MS4 city that has a wasteload allocation for a TMDL. You must reduce phosphorus loading from your MS4 by 25%. Your city is 16 square miles in area. The following information may be useful.
Use the calculator to determine total phosphorus (TP) loads for each land use setting. Assume ½ the pervious area in each land use is B soil (0.3 in/hr) and ½ is C soil (0.2 in/hr). Below are annual TP loads for each land use. TP consists of 55 percent particulate P (PP) and 45 percent dissolved P (DP).
Land use | BMP | TP reduced (lbs) |
Residential | ||
Bioinfiltration | 86 | 75 bmps |
Biofiltration | 81 | 50 bmps |
Disconnection | 3.5 | 2.3 acres |
Permeable pavement | 217 | 100 ac; 50% impervious |
Constructed pond | 584 | 500 ac impervious |
Street sweeping | 100 | Sweep 4X per year |
Agriculture | ||
Convert to residential | 572 | residential with bmps described above |
Street sweeping | 20 | Sweep 4X per year |
Commercial | ||
Constructed pond | 378 | Half impervious routed to bmp |
Irrigation (harvest/re-use) | 79 | pond water irrigate half of pervious acres |
Street sweeping | 38 | Sweep monthly |
Industrial | ||
Tree trench | 33 | 50 acres routed to 5 acre trench |
Street sweeping | 19 | Sweep monthly |
Total pounds reduced = 2210 |
Note the annual export on a per area basis is greatest for commercial and industrial land uses. Also note that annual export is lower for residential than for agriculture. The TP load for the entire area is 7518 pounds per year. The required reduction is 1880 pounds per year.
A 25 percent reduction for a large area where bmps have not been implemented is relatively easy to achieve with the calculator. The local government unit will have to decide which practices to implement based on cost, pollutant removal, logistics, and funding opportunities. The scenario below is an example of how to achieve the required reduction. The results are summarized in the table to the right.
Street sweeping is employed in all land uses. Sweeping occurs 4 times per year in residential areas and monthly in other land uses. It is assumed there are about 200 curb miles in the city and an approximate TP removal of 1 pound per curb mile with monthly street sweeping (see Baker et al.)
Additional bmps might include iron-enhanced treatments, bioswales, and rain barrels for residences.
Caution must be exercised when using the calculator for large areas. Documenting sizing information is essential so reviewers can ensure that bmps are properly sized. Lumping areas with different event mean concentrations is not recommended since bmp performance will not be accurately modeled.
This suite of BMPs results in a 29.4 percent reduction in phosphorus loading, exceeding the 25 percent reduction requirement.