Information: NOTE: Additional materials will continue to be added to the MS4 Toolkit over the upcoming year!
Anoka Conservation District staff giving a tour of a streambank stabilization project. Credit: Anoka Conservation DistrictSt. Paul residents becoming involved in stormwater management by stenciling storm drainsImage of a person collecting a water sample from an outfallConstruction site adjacent to water bodyInfiltration basin protected by silt fence during constructionPerson documenting findings while inspecting an outfallimage
Hover each Minimum Control Measure to link to more information on that measure

The municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) toolkit is a resource for stormwater program staff. It is intended to helps entities regulated under the MS4 program meet the requirements of the general permit. It offers a wide range of stormwater education information including sample fact sheets, newsletters, videos, and other resources.

MCM 1: Public education and outreach

Stormwater overview

The following pages address general stormwater topics.

MCM 2: Public Participation/Involvement

What residents can do

The following pages address what residents can do to reduce negative impacts on stormwater.

Specific audiences

Specific audiences may benefit from specialized educational materials, visit the Special audiences page for a variety of resources and materials that can help MS4s reach out to different audiences in their communities.

MCM 3: Illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE)

The information in this section provides MS4 permittees with tools they can use to meet MCM 3, which addresses illicit discharge detection and elimination.

MCM 3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

MCM 4: Construction site stormwater runoff

The information in this section provides MS4 permittees with tools they can use to meet MCM 4, which addresses construction site stormwater runoff.

MCM 5: Post-construction stormwater management

The information in this section provides MS4 permittees with tools they can use to meet MCM 5, which addresses post-construction stormwater management.

MCM 6: Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations

The information in this section provides MS4 permittees with tools they can use to meet MCM 6, which addresses pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations.

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