Common pollutants of concern and sources in stormwater runoff. Adapted from USGS, 2014.
Link to this table.
Contaminant | Contaminant source1 |
Nitrogen | Naturally occurring from vegetation decomposition; fertilizers; farm-animal waste; faulty septic system |
Chloride | Salts applied to roads and parking lots during the winter; mineral dissolution |
Copper | Industrial and domestic waste, mining, mineral leaching, automobile parts and fluids |
Zinc | Industrial waste; automobile parts and fluids |
Manganese | Found naturally in sediment and rocks; mining waste; industrial waste; automobile parts and fluids |
Nickel | Naturally occurring; stainless steel and alloy products; mining; refining; automobile parts and fluids |
Cadmium | Small amounts are naturally occurring; industrial discharge; mining waste; automobile parts and fluids |
Chromium | Old mining operations; fossil-fuel combustion; mineral leaching; automobile parts and fluids |
Pesticides | Residential use of lawn care products; commercial landscaping; animal wastes; municipal right-of-ways; agriculture; feedlots |
Cyanide | Road salt; fertilizer production |
PAHs2 | Auto emissions; elicit discharge; asphalt pavement (driveways, roadways and parking lots) with coal tar sealants3 |
VOCs2 | Crude oil; insecticides; varnishes; paints; gasoline products; degreasers; municipal maintenance activities |
Oil and grease | Gasoline products; plastics; dyes; rubbers; polishes; solvents; crude oil; insecticides; inks; varnishes; paints; disinfectants; paint removers; degreasers; automobile fluids |
Pathogens including fecal coliform and E. coli | Domestic sewage; animal waste; plant or soil material |
1The list of sources is for stormwater runoff only
2PAHs=polyaromatic hydrocarbons; VOCs=volatile organic compounds
3MPCA, 2014
Source: USGS, 2014, with permission