Summary of situations where infiltration of stormwater runoff is prohibited or not recommended.
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Condition Prohibited Not recommended Not recommended unless conditions are met1
Local rule or ordinance prohibits infiltration X
BMP is < 100 feet from drinking well in sensitive aquifer X
BMP is < 50 feet from drinking well in a non-sensitive aquifer X
BMP receives discharges from vehicle fueling and maintenance areas if CGP applies2 X
There is less than 3 of separation to bedrock or saturated soil if CGP applies X
BMP receives discharges from certain industrial facilities if CGP applies
BMP receives discharges from areas of contaminated soil if CGP applies X
Infiltration into BMP will mobilize contaminants in soil or groundwater if CGP applies X
BMP is located in D soils, unless infiltration allowed by LGU if CGP applies X
BMP is 1,000 feet up-gradient or 100 feet down-gradient of active karst, unless infiltration allowed by LGU if CGP applies X
BMP is located within a DWSMA, unless infiltration allowed by LGU if CGP applies
BMP is located in soils with infiltration rate > 8.3 in/hr if CGP applies X
BMP is located within 1 year travel time of drinking supply well X
BMP located within 10 feet of building or structure X
BMP located within 35 feet of a septic system X
BMP located less than 200 feet from toe of slope that exceeds 20% X
BMP receives discharges from a confirmed stormwater hotspot X
A mound beneath the BMP extends into the BMP X

1see discussion below for conditions under which infiltration is acceptable.
2CGP = Construction Stormwater General Permit