This factsheet provides information for winter parking lot and sidewalk maintenance.
Key information needed
- Pavement Temperature (it will be different than air temperature)
- Parking lot area (or drive lane distance) = Length x Width
- Amount of material your truck or sander delivers at each setting and speed
- De-icers melt snow and ice. They provide no traction on top of snow and ice.
- Anti-icing prevents the bond from forming between pavement and ice.
- De-icing works best if you plow before applying material.
- Pick the right material for the pavement temperatures.
- Sand only works on top of snow as traction. It provides no melting.
- Anti-icing chemicals must be applied prior to snow fall.
- NaCl (road salt) does not work on cold days, less than 15oF.
Melt times for salt (NaCl) at different pavement temperatures
Http:// of melting
Melting characteristics
Caution: Pick your material based on lowest practical melting temperature, not eutectic temperature which is often listed on the bag.
Http:// practical melting temperature
Variable affecting application rate
Increase the application rate if
- Compaction occurs & cannot be removed mechanically
- There is a lot of snow left behind
Decrease the application rate if
- Light snow or light freezing rain
- Pavement temperature is rising
- Subsequent applications
Deicing application rate guidelines for parking lots and sidewalks
These rates are adapted from road application guidelines (Mn Snow & Ice Control Field Handbook, Manual 2005-1). Develop your own application rates using the guidelines as a starting point and modify them incrementally over time to fit your needs. The area should first be cleared of snow prior to applying chemical
Http:// rates for deicing
Anti-Icing guidelines
These are a starting point only. Adjust based on your experience.
Http:// application rates