Websites with extensive information on green infrastructure
What is Green Infrastructure? - EPA: EPA's GI website containing information on performance, climate resiliency, research, benefits, cost-benefit resources, policy guides, integrating GI into federal regulatory programs, and a link to EPA's Green Infrastructure Webcast Series
BlueGreenCities: "A Research Consortium in England developed new strategies for managing urban flood risk as part of wider, integrated urban planning intended to achieve environmental enhancement and urban renewal in which multiple benefits of Blue-Green Cities are rigorously evaluated and understood."
Blue Green Solutions. A Systems Approach to Sustainable, Resilient and Cost-Efficient Urban Development: Bozovic, Ranko; Maksimovic, Čedo; Mijic, Ana; Smith, K.M.; Suter, Ivo; Van Reeuwijk, Maarten; 2017. "This guide presents an innovative framework to systematically unlock the multiple benefits of city natural infrastructure; thus producing resilient, sustainable and cost-effective solutions. The framework is applicable at a building, neighbourhood and city-scale and is suitable both for new and retrofit developments."
The Value of Green Infrastructure: A Guide to Recognizing Its Economic, Environmental and Social Benefits - Produced by the Center for Neighborhood Technology. 2010. "This guide distills key considerations involved in assessing the economic merits of green infrastructure practices. It examines the steps necessary to calculate a variety of performance benefits gained by implementing GI strategies and then, where possible, demonstrates simplified illustrative examples that estimate the magnitude and value of these benefits."