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Termination of Coverage. [Minn. R. 7090]


Permittees must submit a NOT within 30 days after all termination conditions listed in Section 13 are complete. [Minn. R. 7090]


Permittees must submit a NOT within 30 days after selling or otherwise legally transferring the entire site, including permit responsibility for roads (e.g., street sweeping) and stormwater infrastructure final clean out, or transferring portions of a site to another party. The permittees' coverage under this permit terminates at midnight on the submission date of the NOT. [Minn. R. 7090]


Permittees may terminate permit coverage prior to completion of all construction activity if they meet all of the following conditions:

a. construction activity has ceased for at least 90 days; and
b. at least 90 percent (by area) of all originally proposed construction activity has been completed and permanent cover has been established on those areas; and
c. on areas where construction activity is not complete, permanent cover has been established; and
d. the site complies with item 13.3 through 13.7.

After permit coverage is terminated under this item, any subsequent development on the remaining portions of the site will require permit coverage if the subsequent development itself or as part of the remaining common plan of development or sale will result in land disturbing activities of one (1) or more acres in size. [Minn. R. 7090]


Permittees may terminate coverage upon MPCA approval after submitting information documenting the owner cancelled the project. [Minn. R. 7090]