This page provides information on aluminum and iron in water treatment residuals. While providing extensive information on water treatment residuals, there is a section focused specifically on stormwater applications for aluminum and iron in water treatment residuals.
Overview and description
Applications for aluminum and iron water treatment residuals in stormwater management
Effects of feedstock and production temperature
Effect of feedstock (source material)
Effect of production temperature
Properties of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals
Chemical-physical properties of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals
Potential contaminants in aluminum and iron water treatment residuals
Effects of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals on physical and chemical properties of soil and bioretention media
Effect of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals on retention and fate of phosphorus
Effect of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals on retention and fate of other pollutants
- Nitrogen.
- Metals.
- Organics.
- Bacteria and viruses.
- Dissolved organic carbon.
- Greenhouse gas emissions.
Effect of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals on soil physical and hydraulic properties
Effects of aluminum and iron water treatment residuals on soil fertility, plant growth, and microbial function
Standards, classification, testing, and distributors
aluminum and iron water treatment residuals standards
Caution: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency does not endorse specific distributors or products
Test methods
Effects of aging
Storage, handling, and field application