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There are hundreds of soil tests that can be conducted, both in the field or laboratory. This page provides an overview of more common soil tests, links to information on sampling, and links to test methods.

Information: Soil sampling should be conducted by trained and, where appropriate, certified professionals, such as licensed soil scientists and geoscientists
Information: Laboratory tests should be done by certified laboratories. The Minnesota Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program develops procedures and requirements to ensure accredited laboratories produce accurate and precise test results. Search for an accredited lab.

Laboratory tests

Below is a list of recommended laboratory tests


Soil macronutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, calcium, and magnesium.



Organic matter and carbon

Exchange capacity

Field methods

Combined field and lab methods

Sample collection

Soil sample collection methods vary and covering all acceptable methods is beyond the scope of this page. Below are links to sampling methods.

Sampling for chemical tests

Note that these references provide information on soil sample collection. Except where noted, they do not include field procedures associated with specific tests and most do not include information on quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC). Use professional, certified/licensed individuals or firms to ensure appropriate QA/QC procedures are followed.