Constructed basins ( wet ponds and stormwater wetlands) are designed to retain solids and associated pollutants by settling. A typical method for assessing the performance of of constructed basins is therefore measuring and comparing pollutant concentrations at the influent and effluent.
An online manual for assessing BMP treatment performance was developed in 2010 by Andrew Erickson, Peter Weiss, and John Gulliver from the University of Minnesota and St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory. The manual advises on a four-level process to assess the performance of a Best Management Practice.
Level 1 activities do not produce numerical performance data that could be used to obtain a stormwater management credit (stormwater credit). BMP owners and operators who are interested in using data obtained from Levels 2 and 3 should consult with the MPCA or other regulatory agency to determine if the results are appropriate for credit calculations. Level 4, monitoring, is the method most frequently used for assessment of the performance of a BMP.
The adjacent table summarizes the four levels of assessment.
Levels of assessment for stormwater best management practices (stormwater control measures)
Link to this table
Level | Title | Objectives | Relative | Typical elapsed time | Advantages | Disadvantages |
1 | Visual Inspection | Determine if stormwater BMP is malfunctioning | 1 | 1 day | Quick, inexpensive | Limited knowledge gained |
2 | Capacity testing | Determine infiltration or sedimentation capacity and rates | 10 | 1 week | Less expensive, no equipment left in field | Limited to infiltration and sedimentation capacity/rates, uncertainties can be substantial |
3 | Simulated runoff testing | Determine infiltration rates, capacity, and pollutant removal performance | 10-100 | 1 week to 1 month | Controlled experiments, more accurate with fewer tests required for statistical significance as compared to monitoring, no equipment left in field | Cannot be used without sufficient water supply, limited scope |
4 | Monitoring | Determine infiltration rates, capacity, and pollutant removal performance | 400 | 14 months | Most comprehensive. Assess stormwater BMP within watershed without modeling | Uncertainty in results due to lack of control and number of variables, equipment left in field |
Use these links to obtain detailed information on the following topics related to BMP performance monitoring:
Additional information on designing a monitoring network and performing field monitoring are found at this link.
Case studies include the following.
Links to pages discussing assessment of other BMPs can be found at this page.
This page was last edited on 27 December 2022, at 15:28.