Construction site adjacent to water body


Controlling sediment and other pollutants from construction sites is crucial to an effective stormwater management program. Minimum Control Measure (MCM) 4 of the MS4 General Permit requires permittees to have and enforce a construction site stormwater runoff control program to reduce the impacts of land disturbing activities to stormwater.

MS4 General Permit requirements for MCM 4

The construction site stormwater runoff control program must include:

  • A regulatory mechanism that establishes erosion, sediment, and waste controls as stringent as the Construction Stormwater permit requirements for construction sites.
  • A site plan review procedure for conducting site plan reviews to ensure compliance with the construction stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism.
  • Written procedures for the receipt and consideration of reports of noncomplaince at construction sites received from the public.
  • Construction site inspection procedures for inspecting public and private construction sites. The procedures should include: procedures for identifying and prioritizing sites for inspections, the frequency of site inspections, the name or title of the person responsible for inspections, and a checklist or other written means to document site inspections.
  • Enforcement response procedures to compel compliance with the construction stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism.
  • Documentation as described here.


Click on the blue links above in the "MS4 General Permit requirements" section to jump to the referenced section or page. Links to specific resources related to MCM 4 are listed below.

Fact sheets and guidance documents

Fact sheets and guidance documents should provide background information and tips to inform your approach to implementing MCM 4 - Construction Site Stormwater Control.

Documentation and tracking templates

Documentation and tracking templates are examples that local stormwater staff are currently using to meet the MS4 General Permit requirements for MCM 4 - Construction Site Stormwater Control.


Below are methods that local stormwater staff are currently using to meet the site inspection and site plan review documentation Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control requirements in the MS4 General Permit for MCM 4 - Construction Site Stormwater Control.

Example Procedures

Example procedures are those that local stormwater staff are currently using to meet the Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control MS4 General Permit requirements for MCM 4 - Construction Site Stormwater Control.

Model language

Fill in the blanks and adopt ordinance language that meets the regulatory mechanism requirements for MS4 General Permit requirements for MCM 4 - Construction Site Stormwater Control.


Miscellaneous materials local stormwater staff are using.

  • Construction site good housekeeping reminder - City of Red Wing's tool to remind construction site owners/operators to maintain sites in compliance with their construction site stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism
  • Construction site good housekeeping acknowledgement - City of Red Wing's tool to acknowledge and appreciate sites that are in compliance with their construction site stormwater runoff control regulatory mechanism
  • Notice of violation - City of Rice Lake's notice of violation
  • Buffer reminder - City of Hutchinson's reminder to maintain a vegetative buffer at the water's edge
  • Contractor training - City of Big Lake's training for contractors conducting construction projects within the city
  • MCM 4 Pilot Agreement - PDF version of pilot agreement between Rice Creek Watershed District and the City of Centerville for MCM 4
  • MCM 4 Pilot Agreement - Word version of pilot agreement between Rice Creek Watershed District and the City of Centerville for MCM 4

Construction site stormwater runoff

The information in this section provides MS4 permittees with tools they can use to meet MCM 4, which addresses construction site stormwater runoff.

This page was last edited on 12 September 2024, at 16:45.