Maintenance and maintenance agreements
In addition to the design items previously mentioned, some key actions help ensure the long-term performance of permeable pavement during its operation life. The most frequently cited maintenance problem is surface clogging caused by organic matter and sediment, which can be reduced by thefollowing measures:
- Periodic Vacuuming – The pavement surface is the first line of defense in trapping and eliminating sediment that may otherwise enter the stone base and soil subgrade. The rate of sediment deposition should be monitored and vacuuming done two to four times per year. A typical vacuum cleaning schedule may include the end of winter (April), mid-summer (July/August), after autumn leaf-fall (November). Maintenance records should be maintained by the owner. The vacuuming frequency should be adjusted according to the intensity of use and deposition rate on the permeable pavement surface. At least one pass should occur at the end of winter. A high pressure wash can also be conducted following the periodic vacuuming to aid in the maintenance of the pavement. *Ongoing – Minimizing the use of salt or grit for de-icing in the winter, keeping the landscaping areas well maintained, and preventing soil from being washed onto the pavement will help increase the lifespan of the pavement.
- Maintenance Agreements - Maintenance agreements should note which conventional parking lot maintenance tasks must be avoided (e.g., sanding, re-sealing, re-surfacing, power-washing). Signs should be posted on parking lots to indicate their stormwater function and special maintenance requirements. When permeable pavements are installed on private residential or commercial property,owners must understand routine maintenance requirements. These requirements can be enforced via a deed restriction, drainage easement, maintenance agreement, or other mechanism enforceable by the local authority to help ensure that the permeable pavement is maintained and continues functioning. The mechanism should, if possible, grant authority for local agencies to enter the property for inspection or corrective action.