MCM 1: Public Education and Outreach. [Minn. R. 7090]
New permittees must develop and implement, and existing permittees must revise their current program, as necessary, and continue to implement, a public education program to distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach that informs the public of the impact stormwater discharges have on waterbodies and that includes actions citizens, businesses, and other local organizations can take to reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater. The permittee may use existing materials if they are appropriate for the message the permittee chooses to deliver, or the permittee may develop its own educational materials. The permittee may partner with other MS4 permittees, community groups, watershed management organizations, or other groups to implement its education and outreach program. The permittee must incorporate Section 16 requirements into their program. [Minn. R. 7090]
During the permit term, the permittee must distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach focused on at least two (2) specifically selected stormwater-related issues of high priority to the permittee (e.g., specific TMDL reduction targets, changing local business practices, promoting adoption of residential BMPs, lake improvements through lake associations, household chemicals, yard waste, etc.). The topics must be different from those described in items 16.4 through 16.6. [Minn. R. 7090]
At least once each calendar year, the permittee must distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach focused on illicit discharge recognition and reporting illicit discharges to the permittee. [Minn. R. 7090]
For cities and townships, at least once each calendar year, the permittee must distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach to residents, businesses, commercial facilities, and institutions, focused on the following:
For cities and townships, at least once each calendar year, the permittee must distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach focused on pet waste. The educational materials or equivalent outreach must include information on the following:
The permittee must develop and implement an education and outreach plan that consists of the following:
The permittee must document the following information:
The permittee must conduct an annual assessment of the public education program to evaluate program compliance, the status of achieving the measurable requirements in Section 16, and determine how the program might be improved. Measurable requirements are activities that must be documented or tracked as applicable to the MCM (e.g., education and outreach efforts, implementation of written plans, etc.). The permittee must perform the annual assessment prior to completion of each annual report and document any modifications made to the program as a result of the annual assessment. [Minn. R. 7090]
This page was last edited on 22 November 2022, at 16:49.