Biofiltration - Raingardens data table
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BMP Site Name BMP Type Ownership Footprint Arrea Units Total Watershed Area Units Capture Volume of Basin Units Watershed Land Use Construction Costs Under drain Adjusted maint costs Average Annual Maintenance Costs Year of Cost Estimate State Data Source CPI factor Cost in 2010 dollars Rain Zone Factor Zone 1 - 2010 dollars Cost per Capture Volume (cf)
Arlington Pascal SIP - Pascal North RG raingarden City of St Paul 357 ft2 0.46 ac 209 cf mixed 💲6,750 no 474 474 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲6,750 1.12 💲6,750 💲32
Arlington Pascal SIP - Pascal Center RG raingarden City of St Paul 536 ft2 0.13 ac 227 cf mixed 💲5,421 no 793 793 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲5,421 1.12 💲5,421 💲24
Arlington Pascal SIP - Pascal South RG raingarden City of St Paul 710 ft2 0.36 ac 344 cf mixed 💲8,648 no 535 535 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲8,648 1.12 💲8,648 $25
Arlington Pascal SIP - Arlington-McKinley RG raingarden City of St Paul 767 ft2 0.37 ac 349 cf mixed 💲4,115 no 486 486 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲4,115 1.12 💲4,115 💲12
Century College Infiltration planter raingarden Century College 864 ft2 864 cf mpervious 💲17,425 no 2009 MN 2 1.01 💲17,652 1.12 💲17,652 💲20
Arlington Pascal SIP - Asbury North RG raingarden City of St Paul 945 t2 0.40 ac 1,045 cf mixed 💲9,246 no 612 612 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲9,246 1.12 💲9,246 💲9
Century College Raingardens (3) raingarden Century College 1,944 t2 0.8 3 combined) 1,944 cf Impervious 💲26,988 no 2009 MN 2 1.01 💲27,339 1.12 💲27,339 💲14
Arlington Pascal SIP - Asbury South RG raingarden City of St Paul 1,712 ft2 1.08 ac 2,113 cf mixed 💲11,971 no 655 655 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲11,971 1.12 💲11,971 💲6
VUSP Bio-Infiltration Traffic Island Infiltration 1499 ft2 1.16 ac 2,258 cf mixed 💲25,412 no 2001 PA 1 1.23 💲31,257 1.12 💲31,257 💲14
Arlington Pascal SIP - Frankson-McKinley RG raingarden City of St Paul 2,078 ft2 2.80 ac 2,494 cf mixed 💲10,921 no 645 645 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲10,921 1.12 💲10,921 💲4
Arlington Pascal SIP - Hamline Midway RG raingarden City of St Paul 6,364 ft2 10.50 ac 12,576 cf mixed 💲103,172 no 1602 1602 2010 MN 5 1.00 💲103,172 1.12 💲103,172 💲8

  • Ave maint 💲1.25
  • SD maint 💲1.18
  • Average 💲15
  • Standard Deviation 💲9