• Minnesota Stormwater Manual and Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS) Workshops. Four workshops, each 4 hours in length, will be offered. Workshop locations include Brainerd (April 24), Mankato (May 1), St. Paul (May 7)and Duluth (May 15). Workshop agendas will be tailored to each audience (a survey will be sent to participants in advance of the workshop). If interested in attending, email Anne Gelbmann (anne.gelbmann@state.mn.us) with your preferred location. Seating is limited.
  • Great Connections, April 29, 2014 in Davenport Iowa. Great Connections 2014; featuring Minnesota sessions on bioretention, low impact development and Minimal Impact Designs Standards.
  • University of Minnesota Stormwater Education Program: Stormwater U and Nonpoint source pollution Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO). For information on classes, workshops and other education events, visit the University of Minnesota's Stormwater Education website.
  • University of Minnesota Erosion and Stormwater Management Certification Program: For more information on stormwater training for contractors, engineers, municipal, and industrial site staff see the Program website and the current class schedule.

Ongoing events

Past events