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Could we submit a single report for all permittees in a given TMDL project area that share a categorical WLA?

Because the MS4 permit focuses on individually-owned MS4s, each permittee must report on their implementation activities separate from other permittees. If a single report exists that summarizes information for multiple permittees, a permittee can copy information concerning their MS4 from that report into the TMDL Annual Report form.

What if multiple MS4 permittees collaborate to implement BMPs? Can more than one MS4 claim Category 1 credit for a BMP?

We encourage permittees to collaborate on BMPs when it results in more efficient stormwater management. It is for this reason that we developed different reporting categories. The actual reduction in pollutant loading can only occur within a specific MS4. The permittee that owns this MS4 therefore reports the reduction on their TMDL form. This is Category 1 reporting. To acknowledge contributions to the pollutant reduction, other permittees claim a Category 2 credit, which indicates they contributed to the pollutant reduction even though the reduction does not occur in their MS4.

If multiple permittees claimed the same pollutant reduction, that would result in inaccurate estimates of pollutant reduction. Also, if a pollutant reduction was divided among permittees based on their contribution, that would inaccurately indicate where the actual reduction occurred.


Permittees in TMDL X study area (outlined in blue) have a categorical WLA of 40. Permittees collaborated to implement a BMP that reduces 30. Since this BMP is located in City A’s jurisdiction and treating discharge to City A’s conveyance, they will claim 30 under Category 1. City B, C, and D will claim 1 in Category 2.

If multiple permittees work together to implement a BMP in my MS4 and the total pounds reduced by the BMP exceed the WLA, should I only claim enough pounds to meet the WLA?

No. Claim the entire load reduction. We are interested in total pounds reduced by BMPs regardless of where those reductions are occurring. Other permittees will take Category 2 credits for the BMP.

How do I know when my WLA is met?

The individual permittee makes this determination. The determination may be based on multiple criteria, such as estimates of load reductions that have been achieved; the number of BMPs implemented, water quality in the receiving water, and so on. When a permittee determines they are meeting their WLA, they may tell us in their SWPPP submittal.