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This page is under active construction. Edits should be complete by January 8, 2023. Until that time, do not reference this page for permit requirements or information.

MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) permittees who have a U.S.EPA-approved total maximum daily load wasteload allocation (WLA) that they are not meeting must annually report on progress made toward achieving those WLAs. This is achieved by submitting an annual report on a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) form approved by the MPCA Commissioner. This page provides links to guidance on completing that form, including links to resources and tools used to complete the form.

NOTE: Permit requirements differ for Phase 2 MS4s and the two Phase 1 cities (St. Paul and Minneapolis), so the page is divided into separate sections based on those differing requirements.

Phase 2 MS4s

Warning: Due to the design of a new E-service Annual Reporting system, Phase 2 MS4s will not have an annual report due for the 2020 MS4 General Permit in calendar year 2023. See Guidance for completing the TMDL reporting form for further information

Phase 1 MS4s

Guidance for completing the Annual Report form

  1. Phase I MS4 Guidance for completing the TMDL Annual report form
    1. Quick Guide: BMP-Activities completed tab
    2. Quick Guide: Cumulative reductions tab
  2. Examples for completing the TMDL reporting form
  3. Additional resources for completing the TMDL form
  4. Guidance and examples for using the MPCA Estimator
    1. Quick Guide: MPCA Estimator tab
  5. Baseline year
  6. Link to page with many TMDL shapefiles
  7. Flow regime discussion

Guidance for resources and tools used to complete the Annual Report form

  1. Additional resources for completing the TMDL form
  2. Guidance and examples for using the MPCA Estimator
    1. Quick Guide: MPCA Estimator tab

Related Pages

Guidance documents