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The Construction Stormwater Permit requires a higher level on engineering review for proposed infiltration projects in areas overlying an Emergency Response Area (ERA) where the vulnerability of the DWSMA (Drinking Water Supply Management Area) is classified as moderate, or in areas outside the ERA where the vulnerability of the DWSMA (Drinking Water Supply Management Area) is classified as high or very high. This page provide guidance and recommendations for conducting a higher level of engineering review.

Description of Emergency Response Areas, DWSMAs, and vulnerability of DWSMAs

Rationale for requiring a higher level of engineering review

Summary of infiltration restrictions in the Construction Stormwater General Permit

Guidance and recommendations for conducting a higher level of engineering review

  • Identify hotspots
  • Conduct a hydrogeologic assessment of the proposed location
  • Evaluate future land use in the area contributing to the proposed infiltration practice
