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Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)

Currently there are three approved total maximum daily load (TMDLs) for Hardwood Creek (Waterbody ID: 07010206-596), Trott Brook (Waterbody ID: 07010207-680), and Buffalo Creek (Waterbody ID: 07010205-638 (formerly 07010205-501)) that include MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) wasteload allocations (WLAs) for oxygen demand that are not assigned a zero percent reduction. Hardwood Creek is impaired for aquatic life (fish) due to low dissolved oxygen and Trott Brook and Buffalo Creek are impaired for aquatic life (fish and aquatic macroinvertebrates) due to low dissolved oxygen.

Requirement (Permit/Application Section 22.2)

A compliance schedule is required at the time of application if the permittee has an applicable WLA for dissolved oxygen/oxygen demand (biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total oxygen demand (TOD), and/or nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) that includes a reduction greater than zero percent (Table 1).

image of street sweeper
Image courtesy Sarah Hobbie, University of Minnesota
  • For each applicable WLA not being met for dissolved oxygen or oxygen demand, nitrate, TSS, and TP, a compliance schedule is required.

In the compliance schedule, the permittee must provide the following information:

  • proposed BMPs or progress toward implementation of BMPs to be achieved during the permit term;
  • the year each BMP will be implemented; and
  • a target year the applicable WLA(s) will be achieved.

MS4s with applicable dissolved oxygen/oxygen demand WLAs
Link to this table

TMDL Project MS4 with a WLA for oxygen demand
Hardwood Creek Impaired Biota and Dissolved Oxygen TMDL Anoka County
Hugo City
Lino Lakes City
MNDOT Metro District
Rice Creek Watershed District
Washington County
Trott Brook (Rum River Watershed TMDL) Elk River City
Nowthen City
Ramsey City
Saint Francis City
Sherburne County
Buffalo Creek (South Fork Crow River Watershed TMDL) Glencoe City

The MPCA recommends including BMPs/activities in your MS4’s compliance schedule that reduce organic matter and carbon (e.g. leaf litter), since these BMPs/activities will also reduce oxygen-demanding substances in the streams (Table 2). Most BMPs that reduce organic matter (e.g. street sweeping), will also reduce phosphorus, sediment and/or bacteria (E. coli, fecal coliform) loading to waterbodies. Additionally, if BMPs/activities are implemented across the entire jurisdictional area of your MS4, some activities may be used to demonstrate progress towards additional applicable phosphorus, total suspended solids (TSS), and/or bacteria (E. coli, fecal coliform) applicable WLAs.

Potential sources of organic matter and carbon and BMPs/Activities that could be included in your compliance schedule to address dissolved oxygen/oxygen demand applicable WLAs
Link to this table

General Category Source BMP/Activity
MS4 Infrastructure Decaying plant matter, litter, and sediment in the storm drain system Enhance street sweeping program
Remove leaf litter and soil in street and gutters (e.g. implement an Adopt-a-storm drain program). Educate property owners on proper yard waste management
Stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces Implement source, rate, volume controls (i.e. adopt minimal impact design standards (MIDS) for new, redevelopment, and linear projects)
Minimize impervious surfaces
Implement filtration practices, infiltration practices, and sedimentation practices
Domestic pets Dogs, cats, dog parks, walking trails, residential yard and sidewalk runoff (spring runoff after winter accumulation) Install pet waste disposal stations along trails, in dog parks, etc
Pass and enforce pet waste ordinances and educate pet owners about them
Add infiltration BMPs downstream of parks/residential areas and upstream of stormwater pipes (i.e., somewhere between the park/residential area and the stormwater outfall to intercept and infiltrate some or all of the flow from these areas)
Residential sources See this section
Industrial and commercial practices See this section

Additional information

Additional information on potential BMPs/activities to address the Hardwood Creek and Trott Brook Creek dissolved oxygen impairments may also be available in the following:

Hardwood Creek TMDL

Rum River Watershed TMDL