• <a href="#Basic_Design_Elements">1 Basic Design Elements</a>
  • <a href="#HTML_Tables">2 HTML Tables</a>
  • <a href="#Bootstrap_specific_design_elements">3 Bootstrap specific design elements</a>
    • <a href="#Alert_Messages">3.1 Alert Messages</a>
    • <a href="#Tooltips">3.2 Tooltips</a>
    • <a href="#Popovers">3.3 Popovers</a>

This page contains an overview of code elements that can be used to style content within the wiki.

Basic Design Elements

'''Bold text''' Bold text

''Italic text'' Italic text

[[Link to internal page]] Link to internal page

[http://www.google.com Link to external site] Link to external site

HTML Tables

Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5
Row 1-1 Row 1-2 Row 1-3 Row 1-4 Row 1-5
Row 2-1 Row 2-2 Row 2-3 Row 2-4 Row 2-5
Row 3-1 Row 3-2 Row 3-3 Row 3-4 Row 3-5

Bootstrap specific design elements

Alert Messages

Usage: {{alert|This is your message|alert-danger}}


Warning: This is an alert message! (alert-danger)
Caution: This is an alert message! (alert-warning)
Green Infrastructure: This is an alert message! (alert-success)
Information: This is an alert message! (alert-info)


Usage: {{tip|Something|This is the tooltip!}} or {{tip|[[A Link]]|This is the tooltip!}}



A Link


Usage: {{pop|This is a popover|Popover Title|Popover Content}}

Example: This is a popover