Levels of assessment for stormwater best management practices (stormwater control measures)
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Level | Title | Objectives | Relative | Typical elapsed time | Advantages | Disadvantages |
1 | Visual Inspection | Determine if stormwater BMP is malfunctioning | 1 | 1 day | Quick, inexpensive | Limited knowledge gained |
2 | Capacity testing | Determine infiltration or sedimentation capacity and rates | 10 | 1 week | Less expensive, no equipment left in field | Limited to infiltration and sedimentation capacity/rates, uncertainties can be substantial |
3 | Simulated runoff testing | Determine infiltration rates, capacity, and pollutant removal performance | 10-100 | 1 week to 1 month | Controlled experiments, more accurate with fewer tests required for statistical significance as compared to monitoring, no equipment left in field | Cannot be used without sufficient water supply, limited scope |
4 | Monitoring | Determine infiltration rates, capacity, and pollutant removal performance | 400 | 14 months | Most comprehensive. Assess stormwater BMP within watershed without modeling | Uncertainty in results due to lack of control and number of variables, equipment left in field |
This page was last edited on 27 December 2022, at 15:18.