Constrcution site adjacent to waterbody

Controlling sediment and other pollutants from construction sites is crucial to an effective stormwater management program. Minimum Control Measure (MCM) 4 of the MS4 General Permit requires permittees to have and enforce a construction site stormwater runoff control program to reduce the impacts of land disturbing activities to stormwater. The construction site stormwater runoff control program must include:

  • A regulatory mechanism that establishes erosion, sediment, and controls as stringent as the Construction Stormwater permit requirements for construction sites.
  • A procedure for conducting site plan reviews to ensure compliance with the regulatory mechanism, as mentioned above. See here for items that the site plan review procedure should include.
  • Written procedures for the receipt and consideration of reports of noncomplaince at construction sites received from the public.
  • Site inspection procedures for inspecting public and private construction sites. The procdures should include: procedures for identifying and prioritizing sites for inspections, the frequency of site inspections, the name or title of the person responsible for inspections, and a checklist or other written means to document site inspections. See here for more information and File:SiteInspectionChecklist.xlsx for an example checklist.
  • Enforcement Response Procedures.
  • Documentation as described here.

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