This site is currently undergoing revision. For more information, open this link.
Information for this page is in development. It is anticipated this page will be completed by late winter, 2014.
image for an announcement
IT'S HERE! The Minimal Impact Design Standards calculator is now available. Click here

This section will eventually have information about the MIDS calculator, including a Manual and a link to the calculator. Below is a tentative outline for the section. Pages highlighted in blue are partly populated.

Information: The MPCA expects to release the MIDS Calculator in February, 2014 and it will be posted on this page.

List of Super Users

The MPCA trained over 50 people across the state to become “Super Users” of the MIDS Calculator. People on the list have agreed to help others use the calculator. Feel free to contact them if you have a question on how to use the calculator.

File:Super User List.docx