Best Management Practice (BMP) References

BMP resources for municipal staff and contractors

Best management practices (BMPs) for managing stormwater on construction sites are ever evolving and growing in number. Keeping informed of the latest innovative BMPs and the new and improved tools available is integral to successfully preventing erosion and migration of sediment from construction sites. See the Erosion and Sediment Control Training fact sheet for additional information related to developing an overall program on municipal erosion and sediment control training. This fact sheet provides guidance on how MS4s and contractors can stay informed about new BMP resources that could be included as part of the MS4 overall training program on erosion and sediment control.

Benefits / Pollution Reduction

Exposed soils and other construction site pollutants can be carried off site by rainwater, snowmelt, or wind and deposited in local waterways. Sedimentation build-up decreases water levels, negatively impacts water clarity, and can damage aquatic vegetation and habitat resulting in poor water quality. The use of proper erosion and sediment control and site management BMPs can prevent sediment and other pollutants from leaving construction sites and protect our waterways. New technologies are being developed continually. Improved products mean better protection with potential additional benefits such as lower costs, less maintenance, more efficient installation time, and sturdier reusable products. In addition, new technologies become available regularly to replace, maintain, enhance or otherwise contribute to the effectiveness of currently installed BMPs.

Program Development & Implementation

A MS4 program could include two main components: 1) An updated list of BMPs that are encouraged or required to be used within the MS4, and 2) A dissemination tool that allows for this list and associated resources to reach contractors and interested parties locally.

BMP references should be made available to MS4 staff, contractors, inspectors, construction crews, and any other individual responsible for installing, constructing, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting erosion and sediment