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Access the old Manual. Note: this version is not being updated.

Welcome to the Minnesota Stormwater Manual website. The Manual is designed to be a user-friendly and flexible document that guides users directly to the information they need, depending upon the question they need to answer or Best Management Practice (BMP) they need to design. This website was developed in an interactive wiki format to make it easy for the user to get to the subject of interest and to move between subjects.

Enter Stormwater Manual: Table of Contents
Information: New to the manual wiki website? Please read

Submitting comments on the website

Information: To submit feedback,scroll down to Help improve this page, located at the bottom of any given page in the website. Type your comments in the text box and submit. We will attempt to provide comments to technical questions. To see responses, click here. By posting, you agree to transparency under these terms.
Warning: We encourage users of the Manual to submit feedback on this website. All feedback is public information and can be viewed on this website. Feedback should be limited to corrections, suggested minor edits, suggestions for improving a particular page, or suggestions for additional or improved content. For suggested changes in the technical content of the Manual, please provide a brief description of your suggestion along with contact information. The MPCA ultimately determines which suggestions are incorporated into the Manual. We will attempt to provide comments to technical questions. To see responses, click here. The MPCA cannot and will not endorse any commercial product or service.
Information: To view recent content changes or anticipated changes in the near future, see What's New (left toolber). The What's New page only contains important changes or notifications and will therefore be updated infrequently


This Manual was initiated by the Minnesota Stormwater Design Team, which evolved into the Minnesota Stormwater Steering Committee (SSC). Manual production was directed by the SSC’s Manual Sub-Committee (MSC). A listing of contributors and participants in the process appears in the Acknowledgements section.

Guidance on use of the website

For new users of this website, we have provided Guidance on how to use this website and the Manual.

What's new?

We will attempt to provide frequent updates to users of the Manual. Updates will focus primarily on content of the Manual and will not include minor changes and corrections.