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Information: Taking advantage of the wiki technology, we continue to update this manual as resources allow. We continue to value your input. If you have comments or suggestions on the format please send them to us using the Help Improve this Page box at the bottom of most pages or send an email to Mike Trojan at the MPCA.
To download the calculator, link here. To see changes from Version 2, link here. Note that Version 3 is Windows 10 compliant and Version 2 files can be loaded into Version 3.

Welcome to the Minnesota Stormwater Manual website. This website was developed using Mediawiki, a wiki application that allows for easy editing and that has powerful search abilities. See Introduction to the wiki for more information.

The draft 2018 Construction Stormwater permit is on public notice. Link to the 2018 draft permit

Introduction to the Minnesota Stormwater Manual

Stormwater concepts and stormwater management

Stormwater issues

Stormwater control practices (Best Management Practices)

By type

By treatment mechanism

Regulatory, permitting

Models, calculations, methodologies, pollutant removal, credits

Case studies

Virtual tours

Communications and outreach

Stormwater research and education

