This page contains information on webinars for the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Please note that the PowerPoint files may contain links. To make the links live you must be running the Powerpoint slide show.

December 15, 2016 - Infiltration Practices

Professional development hours

Attendance at a Stormwater Manual webinar qualifies for Professional Development Hours (PDH) for the Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID. Typically, most webinars are 1.5 hours in length and therefore 1.5 PDH is offered. Look for links to certificates with each qualifying webinar (above).

Note that it is your responsibility to attend the webinar and document your attendance, including downloading the certificate. The MPCA documents people who attended the webinar, including the times they were logged in to the webinar. We cannot document people who have viewed recorded webinars. We provide a form summarizing the justification for offering pdhs. See File:CONTINUING EDUCATION ASSESSMENT FORM - Stormwater Manual webinars.docx