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The MPCA is working on development of a credit for street sweeping. We will update this page as this project proceeds.

Project overview

MPCA is working with University of Minnesota researchers and TetraTech to develop a method for crediting street sweeping. The objective is to develop a credit system that can be used by cities and other entities to calculate reductions in pollutant loading associated with street sweeping. These reductions can be applied toward TMDLs or other water quality objectives.

The work includes the following tasks. 1. Conduct a literature review of existing credit methodologies 2. Conduct a survey street sweeping practices conducted by cities 3. Conduct research to establish relationships between sweeping practices and pollutant removal 4. Develop a credit method that can be widely used by cities or other entities.

The project includes a core team consisting of U of M researchers, TetraTech staff, and MPCA staff. A technical support and review team includes representatives from cities, whose role is to provide input as the method is developed.