Design Variants

Infiltration Basin

An infiltration basin is a natural or constructed impoundment that captures, temporarily stores and infiltrates the design volume of water over several days. In the case of a constructed basin, the impoundment is created by excavation or embankment. Infiltration basins are commonly used for drainage areas of 5 to 50 acres with land slopes that are less than 20 percent. Typical depths range from 2 to 12 feet, including bounce in the basin. An infiltrates basin construction detail is located in the Computer-aided design and drafting (CAD/CADD) drawings section.

Infiltration Trench and infiltration basin - Construction inspection checklists.
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Site Status:
Construction Sequence Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory Comments
1. Pre-Construction
Pre-construction meeting
Runoff diverted
Soil permeability verified
Groundwater / bedrock verified
Project benchmark established
Facility location staked out
Temporary erosion and sediment control established
2. Excavation
Size and location per plans
Side slopes stable
Depth adjusted to soil layer with specified soil type and permeability
Sub-soil not adjacent to excavation area and stabilized with vegetation and/ or silt fence
Stockpile location not adjacent to excavation area and stabilized with vegetation and/ or silt fence
3. Filter Fabric Placement
Fabric per specifications
Fabric per specifications
Placed per plan location
4. Aggregate Material
Size as specified
Clean / washed material
Placed properly
5. Observation Well
Pipe size per plans
Under-drain installed per plans
Inlet installed per plans
Pre-treatment devices installed per plans
6. Vegetation
Complies with planting specifications
Topsoil complies with composition and placement in specifications
Permanent erosion control measures in place
7. Final Inspection
Dimensions per plans
Check dams operational
Inlet / outlet operational
Effective stand of vegetation and stabilization
Contributing watershed stabilized before flow is routed to the facility
Actions to be taken:

Infiltration Trench (a.k.a. infiltration gallery)

An infiltration trench is a shallow excavated trench, typically 3 to 12 feet deep, that is backfilled with a coarse stone aggregate allowing for the temporary storage of runoff in the void space of the material. Discharge of this stored runoff occurs through infiltration into the surrounding naturally permeable soil. Trenches are commonly used for drainage areas less than 5 acres in size.

Dry Wells (a.k.a. infiltration tubes, french drains, soak-away pits or soak holes)

A dry well or soak away pit is a smaller variation of an infiltration trench. It is a subsurface storage facility (a structural chamber or an excavated pit backfilled with a coarse stone aggregate) that receives and temporarily stores stormwater runoff. Discharge of this stored runoff occurs through infiltration into the surrounding naturally permeable soil. Due to their size, dry wells are typically designed to handle stormwater runoff from smaller drainage areas, less than one acre in size (e.g. roof tops).

Underground Infiltration Systems

Several underground infiltration systems, including pre-manufactured pipes, vaults, and modular structures, have been developed as alternatives to infiltration basins and trenches for space-limited sites and stormwater retrofit applications. These systems are similar to infiltration basins and trenches in that they are designed to capture, temporarily store and infiltrate the design volume of stormwater over several days. Underground infiltration systems are generally applicable to small development sites (typically less than 10 acres) and should be installed in areas that are easily accessible to routine and non-routine maintenance. These systems should not be located in areas or below structures that cannot be excavated in the event that the system needs to be replaced.