Typical BMP TSS and TP removal rates from Minnesota Stormwater Manual
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BMP type Typical pollutant removal rate (%)
Biofiltration 80 [1]
Sand filter 85 50
Iron enhanced sand filter 85 65 or 741
Dry swale 68 [2]
Constructed wet ponds 84 50 or 682
Constructed wetlands 73 38
Permeable pavement 74 41
Green roof 85 0

1Lower values are for Tier 1 design. Higher values are for Tier 2 design.
2Removal is for Design Level 2. If an iron-enhanced pond bench is included, an additional 40 percent credit is given for dissolved phosphorus. Use the lower values if no iron bench exists and the higher value if an iron bench exists.

This page was last edited on 4 August 2022, at 15:08.