Unit costs related to riprap
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Bid Item Item Description Units Average Price
2511501/00010 Random riprap Class Special cubic yard $39.00
2511501/00011 Random riprap Class I cubic yard $64.10
2511501/00012 Random riprap Class II cubic yard $74.82 ton $38.20
2511501/00013 Random riprap Class III cubic yard $66.12 ton $51.50
2511501/00014 Random riprap Class IV cubic yard $65.27 ton $47.09
2511501/00015 Random riprap Class V cubic yard $71.64
2511505/00010 Hand-placed riprap cubic yard $750.00
2511604/00200 Articular concrete riprap square yard $75.51
2511607/00011 Random riprap special cubic yard $47.33
2511607/00012 Random riprap (matrix) cubic yard $465.25
2511607/00120 Install Random riprap cubic yard $47.00