This page provides a summary of major recent changes to this website. We will atempt to update this page weekly.

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Following is a summary of major changes in the past week.

  1. The page Overview of basic stormwater concepts has been completed, including images, tables, text editing, and inclusion of links and references.
  2. The section Minnesota maps has been updated and includes a large number of maps that provide information about Minnesota. examples include geology maps, land use maps, and map illustrating water resources in the state.
  3. The section on Case studies has been included. The information comes from the 2006 version of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual.
  4. The section The Simple Method for estimating phosphorus export has been added. This corresponds with Appendix L of the 2006 version of the Stormwater Manual.
  5. Began construction of Stormwater wetlands and Bioretention, both taken from the 2006 version of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual.