This page provides a summary of significant recent changes to this website. We anticipate this page will be updated infrequently. You may also access our responses to comments that have been submitted via the comment box found on each page of the website.

Information: alert-warning

We completed migration of content from the 2008 Manual to this website during the last week of March. We do not anticipate further significant changes in Manual content during the wiki website rollout in April. Following that, we hope to incorporate the following changes into the Manual:

  • new information on green roofs in May and June;
  • updates to the bioretention section in early to mid summer
  • incorporation of information on trees in late summer and early fall;
  • new sections on stormwater Minimal Impact Design Standards; and
  • new information on iron-enhanced filters this summer.
Information: Mediawiki automatically saves all edits mad to any page in this website. Viewers can therefore see all edits made to the website by visiting the Recent changes page, which can be accessed via a link in the left toolbar.