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{{alert|This site is in development|alert-under-construction}}
[[File:Pdf image.png|100px|thumb|alt=pdf image|<font size=3>[https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=File:Overview_for_dry_swale_(grass_swale)_-_Minnesota_Stormwater_Manual_June_2022.pdf Download pdf]</font size>]]
[[File:General information page image.png|right|100px|alt=image]]
[[File:Dry swale.jpg|300 px|thumb|alt=photo of a dry swale|<font size=3>Photo of a dry swale. Courtesy of Limnotech.</font size>]]
[[File:Dry swale.jpg|300 px|thumb|alt=photo of a dry swale|<font size=3>Photo of a dry swale. Courtesy of Limnotech.</font size>]]
{{alert|Swales can be an important tool for retention and detention of stormwater runoff. Because they utilize vegetation, swales provide additional benefits, including cleaner air, carbon sequestration, improved biological habitat, and aesthetic value.|alert-success}}
{{alert|Swales can be an important tool for retention and detention of stormwater runoff. Because they utilize vegetation, swales provide additional benefits, including cleaner air, carbon sequestration, improved biological habitat, and aesthetic value.|alert-success}}
Dry swales, sometimes called grass swales, are similar to bioretention cells but are configured as shallow, linear channels. Dry swales function primarily as a conveyance BMP, but provide treatment of stormwater runoff, particularly when used in tandem with check dams that temporarily retain water in a series of cells. Dry swales with an underdrain and engineered soil media are considered a filtration practice. Dry swales with in-situ soils capable of infiltration, ([[Design infiltration rates|A or B soils]]) are considered infiltration practices. Dry swales are designed to prevent standing water. Dry swales typically have vegetative cover such as turf or native perennial grasses.
Dry swales, sometimes called grass swales, are similar to <span title="Bioretention, also called rain gardens, is a terrestrial-based (up-land as opposed to wetland) water quality and water quantity control process. Bioretention employs a simplistic, site-integrated design that provides opportunity for runoff infiltration, filtration, storage, and water uptake by vegetation. Bioretention areas are suitable stormwater treatment practices for all land uses, as long as the contributing drainage area is appropriate for the size of the facility. Common bioretention opportunities include landscaping islands, cul-de-sacs, parking lot margins, commercial setbacks, open space, rooftop drainage and street-scapes (i.e., between the curb and sidewalk). Bioretention, when designed with an underdrain and liner, is also a good design option for treating Potential stormwater hotspots. Bioretention is extremely versatile because of its ability to be incorporated into landscaped areas. The versatility of the practice also allows for bioretention areas to be frequently employed as stormwater retrofits."> '''bioretention'''</span> cells but are configured as shallow, linear channels. Dry swales function primarily as a conveyance BMP, but provide treatment of stormwater runoff, particularly when used in tandem with <span title="A check dam is a structure installed perpendicular to flow in a natural or manmade conveyance channel to reduce flow velocity. By slowing flow velocities, check dams can serve multiple functions including reduction of channel scour and erosion, enhancement of sediment trapping, and greater treatment of the water quality control volume via enhanced water detention or retention. Typical check dam materials include rock, earth, wood, and concrete. "> '''check dams'''</span> that temporarily retain water in a series of cells. Dry swales with an <span title="An underground drain or trench with openings through which the water may percolate from the soil or ground above"> '''underdrain'''</span> and <span title="Engineered media is a mixture of sand, fines (silt, clay), and organic matter utilized in stormwater practices, most frequently in bioretention practices. The media is typically designed to have a rapid infiltration rate, attenuate pollutants, and allow for plant growth."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Design_criteria_for_bioretention#Materials_specifications_-_filter_media '''engineered soil media''']</span> are considered a <span title="Filtration Best Management Practices (BMPs) treat urban stormwater runoff as it flows through a filtering medium, such as sand or an organic material. They are generally used on small drainage areas (5 acres or less) and are primarily designed for pollutant removal. They are effective at removing total suspended solids (TSS), particulate phosphorus, metals, and most organics. They are less effective for soluble pollutants such as dissolved phosphorus, chloride, and nitrate."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Filtration '''filtration''']</span>. Dry swales with in-situ soils capable of <span title="Infiltration Best Management Practices (BMPs) treat urban stormwater runoff as it flows through a filtering medium and into underlying soil, where it may eventually percolate into groundwater. The filtering media is typically coarse-textured and may contain organic material, as in the case of bioinfiltration BMPs."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Stormwater_infiltration_Best_Management_Practices '''infiltration''']</span>, ([[Design infiltration rates|A or B soils]]) are considered infiltration practices. Dry swales are designed to prevent standing water. Dry swales typically have [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Plants_for_swales vegetative cover] such as turf or <span title="A species that has been observed in the form of a naturally occurring and self-sustaining population in historical times. Non-natives do not meet this definition."> '''native perennial grasses'''</span>.
==Function within stormwater treatment train==
==Function within stormwater treatment train==
Dry swales may be located throughout the [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Using_the_treatment_train_approach_to_BMP_selection treatment train], including the main form of conveyance between or out of BMPs, at the end of the treatment train, or designed as off-line configurations where the water quality volume is diverted to the filtration or infiltration practice. In any case, the practice may be applied as part of a stormwater management system to achieve one or more of the following objectives:
Dry swales may be located throughout the <span title="Multiple BMPs that work together to remove pollutants utilizing combinations of hydraulic, physical, biological, and chemical methods"> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Using_the_treatment_train_approach_to_BMP_selection '''treatment train''']</span>, including the main form of conveyance between or out of BMPs, at the end of the treatment train, or designed as <span title="A stormwater system in which part or all of the stormwater runoff is diverted from the primary treatment practice. Partial diversion is employed for bypass runoff, which is runoff in excess of the designed treatment volume of the practice. Full offline diversion is employed as a temporary means to divert all runoff from a stormwater practice, typically to avoid erosion of exposed soil or establishment of vegetation."> '''offline'''</span> configurations where the <span title="The volume of water that is treated by a BMP."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Water_quality_criteria '''Water Quality Volume''']</span> is diverted to the filtration or infiltration practice. In any case, the practice may be applied as part of a stormwater management system to achieve one or more of the following objectives:
*reduce stormwater pollutants (filtration or infiltration practices)
*reduce stormwater pollutants (filtration or infiltration practices)
*increase groundwater recharge (infiltration practices)
*increase groundwater recharge (infiltration practices)
*decrease runoff peak flow rates (filtration or infiltration practices)
*decrease runoff peak flow rates (filtration or infiltration practices)
*decrease the volume of stormwater runoff (infiltration practices)
*decrease the volume of stormwater runoff (infiltration practices)
*preserve base flow in streams (infiltration practices)
*preserve <span title="Baseflow (also called drought flow, groundwater recession flow, low flow, low-water flow, low-water discharge and sustained or fair-weather runoff) is the portion of streamflow delayed shallow subsurface flow".> '''baseflow'''</span> in streams (infiltration practices)
*reduce thermal impacts of runoff (filtration or infiltration practices)
*reduce thermal impacts of runoff (filtration or infiltration practices)
==Typical applications==
==Typical applications==
Applications of dry swales with or without underdrains can vary extensively. Typical applications include:
Applications of dry swales with or without underdrains can vary extensively. Typical applications include
*individual lots for rooftop, driveway, and other on-lot impervious surface
*individual lots for rooftop, driveway, and other on-lot impervious surface;
*shared facilities in common areas for individual lots
*shared facilities in common areas for individual lots;
*areas within loop roads or cul-de-sacs
*areas within loop roads or cul-de-sacs;
*landscaped parking lot islands
*landscaped parking lot islands;
*within right-of-ways along roads  
*within right-of-ways along roads;
*common landscaped areas in apartment complexes or other multifamily housing designs
*common landscaped areas in apartment complexes or other multifamily housing designs;
*between buildings in industrial and commercial developments
*between buildings in industrial and commercial developments; and
*conveyance between detention structures and receiving waters
*conveyance between detention structures and receiving waters.
==Infeasibility criteria==
==Infeasibility criteria==
Certain site-specific conditions may make use of dry swales without underdrains infeasible. Examples include:
[[File:Setback distances.jpg|300px|thumb|alt=schematic showing horizontal and vertical setback distances|<font size=3>Schematic showing some horizontal and vertical separation distances from an infiltration BMP. A separation distance may be required, such as with a drinking water well, or recommended, as with an underground tank.  (Source: CDM Smith)
*Where infiltrating water would threaten drinking water sources (e.g., in karst areas)
Not to scale.</font size>]]
*Where ordinances established by the local government with jurisdiction, such as setbacks from structures, conflict with the proposed location
*Where infiltrating water would threaten existing below grade basements
*Where in situ soil infiltration capacity is too low or too high
*Where high levels of contaminants in soil or groundwater exist
*Where the only area available for siting does not allow for a safe overflow pathway to the municipal separate storm sewer system or private storm sewer system
*Where reasonable concerns about erosion, slope failure, or down gradient flooding exist and cannot be overcome by swale design modifications
The following site-specific conditions may make use of dry swales with underdrains infeasible:
Certain site-specific conditions may make use of dry swales without underdrains infeasible. Examples include sites where
*Where infiltrating water would threaten drinking water sources (e.g., dry swales without impermeable liners in karst areas)
*infiltrating water would threaten drinking water sources (e.g., in <span title="Karst is a landscape formed by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock. The bedrock is usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite but the dissolution has also been documented in weathering resistant rock, such as quartz. The dissolution of the rocks occurs due to the reaction of the rock with acidic water. Rainfall is already slightly acidic due to the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2), and becomes more so as it passes through the subsurface and picks up even more CO2. Cracks and fissures form as the runoff passes through the subsurface and reacts with the rocks. These cracks and fissures grow, creating larger passages, caves, and may even form sinkholes as more and more acidic water infiltrates into the subsurface."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Karst '''Karst''']</span> areas);
*Where inadequate separation distance from seasonally saturated soils or bedrock is available
*ordinances established by the local government with jurisdiction, such as [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Stormwater_infiltration_and_setback_(separation)_distances setbacks] from structures, conflict with the proposed location;
*Where ordinances established by the local government with jurisdiction, such as setbacks from structures, conflict with the proposed location
*infiltrating water would threaten existing below grade basements;
*Where high levels of contaminants in soil or groundwater exist
*in situ [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Soils_with_low_infiltration_capacity soil infiltration capacity] is too low or too high;
*Where the only area available for siting does not allow for a safe overflow pathway to the municipal separate storm sewer system or private storm sewer system
*[https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Stormwater_infiltration_and_contaminated_soils_and_groundwater high levels of contaminants] in soil or groundwater exist;
*Where reasonable concerns about erosion, slope failure, or down gradient flooding exist and cannot be overcome by swale design modifications
*the only area available for siting does not allow for a safe overflow pathway to the municipal separate storm sewer system or private storm sewer system; or
*reasonable concerns about erosion, slope failure, or down gradient flooding exist and cannot be overcome by swale design modifications.
==MPCA permit applicability==
==MPCA permit applicability==
One of the goals of this Manual is to facilitate understanding of and compliance with the [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Construction_stormwater_permit MPCA Construction General Permit] (CGP), which includes design and performance standards for permanent stormwater management systems. These standards must be applied in all projects in which at least 1 acre of land is disturbed and1 acre of new impervious area is being created, and the permit stipulates certain standards for various categories of stormwater management practices.
One of the goals of this Manual is to facilitate understanding of and compliance with the [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Construction_stormwater_program MPCA Construction General Permit] (CGP), which includes design and performance standards for permanent stormwater management systems. These standards must be applied in all projects in which at least 1 acre of land is disturbed and1 acre of new impervious area is being created, and the permit stipulates certain standards for various categories of stormwater management practices.
For regulatory purposes, dry swales fall under the ''Infiltration / Filtration'' category described in [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=III._STORMWATER_DISCHARGE_DESIGN_REQUIREMENTS#III.D._PERMANENT_STORMWATER_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM Part III.D.1. of the MPCA CGP]. If used in combination with other practices, credit for combined stormwater treatment can be given. Due to the statewide prevalence of the MPCA permit, design guidance in this section is presented with the assumption that the permit does apply. Although it is expected that in many cases the dry swale will be used in combination with other practices, standards are described for the case in which it is a stand-alone practice.
For regulatory purposes, dry swales fall under the ''Infiltration / Filtration'' category described in the MPCA CGP. If used in combination with other practices, credit for combined stormwater treatment can be given. Due to the statewide prevalence of the MPCA permit, design guidance in this section is presented with the assumption that the permit does apply. Although it is expected that in many cases the dry swale will be used in combination with other practices, standards are described for the case in which it is a stand-alone practice.
The following terms are thus used in the text to distinguish various levels of dry swale (grass swale) design guidance:
The following terms are thus used in the text to distinguish various levels of dry swale (grass swale) design guidance:
'''REQUIRED''': Indicates design standards stipulated by the MPCA CGP (or other consistently applicable regulations).
*'''REQUIRED''': Indicates design standards stipulated by the MPCA CGP (or other consistently applicable regulations).
'''HIGHLY RECOMMENDED''': Indicates design guidance that is extremely beneficial or necessary for proper functioning of the dry swale, but not specifically required by the MPCA CGP.
*'''HIGHLY RECOMMENDED''': Indicates design guidance that is extremely beneficial or necessary for proper functioning of the dry swale, but not specifically required by the MPCA CGP.
'''RECOMMENDED''': Indicates design guidance that is helpful for dry swale performance but not critical to the design.
*'''RECOMMENDED''': Indicates design guidance that is helpful for dry swale performance but not critical to the design.
There are situations, particularly retrofit projects, in which a <span title="Dry swales, sometimes called grass swales, are similar to bioretention cells but are configured as shallow, linear channels. They typically have vegetative cover such as turf or native perennial grasses. Dry swales may be constructed as filtration or infiltration practices, depending on soils."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Dry_swale_(Grass_swale) '''dry swale''']</span> is constructed without being subject to the conditions of the MPCA permit. While compliance with the permit is not required in these cases, the standards it establishes can provide valuable design guidance to the user. It is important to note that additional and potentially more stringent design requirements may apply for a particular dry swale, depending on where it is situated both jurisdictionally and within the surrounding landscape.
There are situations, particularly retrofit projects, in which a dry swale is constructed without being subject to the conditions of the MPCA permit. While compliance with the permit is not required in these cases, the standards it establishes can provide valuable design guidance to the user. It is important to note that additional and potentially more stringent design requirements may apply for a particular dry swale, depending on where it is situated both jurisdictionally and within the surrounding landscape.
{{alert|Permit requirements are highlighted in red text boxes|alert-danger}}
==Retrofit suitability==
==Retrofit suitability==
The use of dry swales as a retrofit practice primarily depends on existing infrastructure and the compatibility of existing storm drain inverts that need to connect to the dry swale outflow. In general, four to six feet of elevation above the existing collection system invert is needed for dry swale retrofits (2 to 3 feet is needed for perimeter filters).
The use of dry swales as a retrofit practice primarily depends on existing infrastructure and the compatibility of existing storm drain <span title="Invert level is the base interior level of a pipe, trench or tunnel; it can be considered the "floor" level"> '''inverts'''</span> that need to connect to the dry swale outflow. In general, four to six feet of elevation above the existing collection system invert is needed for dry swale retrofits (2 to 3 feet is needed for perimeter filters).
==Special receiving waters suitability==
==Special receiving waters suitability==
The following table provides guidance regarding the use of dry swales in areas upstream of special receiving waters. This table is an abbreviated version of a larger table in which other BMP groups are similarly evaluated. Note that the suitability of a dry swale depends on whether the practice has an underdrain (i.e. filtration vs. infiltration practice).
The following table provides guidance regarding the use of dry swales in areas upstream of <span title="Waters with qualities that warrant extra protection"> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Construction_stormwater_program#Special_Waters_and_Impaired_Waters '''special receiving waters''']</span>.
The following tables provide guidance regarding the use of dry swales in areas upstream of special receiving waters. This table is an abbreviated version of a larger table in which other BMP groups are similarly evaluated. The corresponding information about other BMPs is presented in the respective sections of this Manual. Note that the filtration table applies to dry swales with underdrains and the infiltration table to swales with no underdrain.
{{:Infiltration and filtration bmp design restrictions for special waters and watersheds}}
{{:Design restrictions for special waters}}
==Cold climate suitability==
{{:Infiltration BMP design restrictions for special watersheds}}
[[File:Snow plowed and piled in parking lot.jpg|thumb|300px|alt=Photo showing Snow plowed and piled in parking lot|<font size=3>Snow plowed and piled in parking lot. Consideration should be given in locating these "snow dumps", since they will contribute a significant amount of stormwater runoff.]]</font size>
==Cold climate suitability==
Dry swales should remain effective water quality improvement systems for many years, even during winter conditions, if designed and constructed properly. It has been shown that hydraulic efficiency and <span title="The infiltration rate is the velocity or speed at which water enters into the soil"> '''infiltration rates'''</span> can remain at levels used for design sizing. However, in cold climates, some special considerations are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for surface systems like dry swales to ensure sustained functionality and limit the damage freezing temperatures and snow and ice removal may cause. One concern with dry swales used for filtration in cold weather is the ice that forms both over the top of the facility and within the soil interstices. To avoid these problems to the extent possible, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that the facility be actively managed to keep it dry before it freezes in the late fall. This can be done by various methods, including limiting inflow and ensuring the underdrain is functional.
Dry swales should remain effective water quality improvement systems for many years, even during winter conditions, if designed and constructed properly. It has been shown that hydraulic efficiency and infiltration rates can remain at levels used for design sizing. However, in cold climates, some special considerations are '''HIGHLY RECOMMENDED''' for surface systems like dry swales to ensure sustained functionality and limit the damage freezing temperatures and snow and ice removal may cause. One concern with dry swales used for filtration in cold weather is the ice that forms both over the top of the facility and within the soil interstices. To avoid these problems to the extent possible, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that the facility be actively managed to keep it dry before it freezes in the late fall. This can be done by various methods, including limiting inflow and ensuring the under-drain is functional.
Even if the infiltration properties of a dry swale are marginal for snowmelt runoff during the period of deep frost in the winter, the storage available in the facility will provide water quality benefit if the facility is dry entering the melt season. However, flow originating in an industrial area, a high traffic area where large amounts of salt are added, or another [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Potential_stormwater_hotspots potential stormwater hotspot (PSH)] should be diverted away from dry swales if pretreatment features have not been properly designed to handle such an increase in loading.
Even if the infiltration properties of a dry swale are marginal for snowmelt runoff during the period of deep frost in the winter, the storage available in the facility will provide water quality benefit if the facility is dry entering the melt season. However, flow originating in an industrial area, a high traffic area where large amounts of salt are added, or another <span title="Stormwater Hotspots (PSHs) are activities or practices that have the potential to produce relatively high levels of stormwater pollutants"> '''[https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Potential_stormwater_hotspots potential stormwater hotspots]'''</span> (PSHs) should be diverted away from dry swales if <span title="Pretreatment reduces maintenance and prolongs the lifespan of structural stormwater BMPs by removing trash, debris, organic materials, coarse sediments, and associated pollutants prior to entering structural stormwater BMPs. Implementing pretreatment devices also improves aesthetics by capturing debris in focused or hidden areas. Pretreatment practices include settling devices, screens, and pretreatment vegetated filter strips."> [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Pretreatment '''pretreatment''']</span> features have not been properly designed to handle such an increase in loading.
For all BMPs it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that snow and ice removal plans, including predetermined locations for stockpiling, be determined prior to or during the design process. Dry swales cannot be used for significant snow storage areas as debris build-up, plant damage, and lower infiltration rates are likely to occur. Some snow storage is unavoidable when BMPs are adjacent to areas where snow removal is required. It is critical that the property owner and snow and ice removal contractor have identified other areas for large scale snow storage.
For all BMPs it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that snow and ice removal plans, including predetermined locations for stockpiling, be determined prior to or during the design process. Dry swales cannot be used for significant snow storage areas as debris build-up, plant damage, and lower infiltration rates are likely to occur. Some snow storage is unavoidable when BMPs are adjacent to areas where snow removal is required. It is critical that the property owner and snow and ice removal contractor have identified other areas for large scale snow storage.
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[https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Minnesota_plant_lists#Salt_tolerance Plant selection] is critical to ensure that the damaging effects of snow and ice removal do not severely impact plantings or seedings. Even a small amount of snow storage can break and uproot plants requiring additional maintenance in the spring. Woody trees and shrubs should be selected that can tolerate some salt spray from plowing operations.
[https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Minnesota_plant_lists#Salt_tolerance Plant selection] is critical to ensure that the damaging effects of snow and ice removal do not severely impact plantings or seedings. Even a small amount of snow storage can break and uproot plants requiring additional maintenance in the spring. Woody trees and shrubs should be selected that can tolerate some salt spray from plowing operations.
For more information on cold climate effects, see [[Cold climate impact on runoff management]].
==Water quantity treatment==
==Water quantity treatment==
Where a project’s ultimate development replaces vegetation and/or other pervious surfaces with one (1) or more acres of cumulative impervious surface, the Permittee(s) must design the project so that the water quality volume (V<sub>wq</sub>) of one (1) inch of runoff from the new impervious surfaces created by the project is retained on site (i.e. infiltration or other volume reduction practices) and not discharged to a surface water. If the water quality volume cannot be retained due to site constraints, a portion of the water quality volume should be retained on site to the extent that site conditions allow.
Where a project’s ultimate development replaces vegetation and/or other pervious surfaces with one (1) or more acres of cumulative impervious surface, the Permittee(s) must design the project so that the water quality volume (V<sub>wq</sub>) of one (1) inch of runoff from the new impervious surfaces created by the project is retained on site (i.e. infiltration or other volume reduction practices) and not discharged to a surface water. If the water quality volume cannot be retained due to site constraints, a portion of the water quality volume should be retained on site to the extent that site conditions allow.
The amount of stormwater volume infiltrated depends on the design variant selected. Smaller swales should either be designed off-line using a flow diversion, or designed to safely pass large storm flows while still protecting the infiltration area or filtration media. In limited cases (e.g. extremely permeable soils), these dry swales can accommodate the channel protection volume, V<sub>cp</sub>, in either an off- or on-line configuration.
The amount of stormwater volume infiltrated depends on the design variant selected. Smaller swales should either be designed offline using a flow diversion, or designed to safely pass large storm flows while still protecting the infiltration area or filtration media. In limited cases (e.g. extremely permeable soils), these dry swales can accommodate the [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Unified_sizing_criteria channel protection volume], V<sub>cp</sub>, in either an off- or online configuration.
In general, supplemental stormwater practices (e.g. detention ponds) will be necessary to satisfy channel and flood protection requirements when dry swales are used. However, these practices can help reduce detention requirements for a site through volume reduction.
In general, supplemental stormwater practices (e.g. [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Stormwater_ponds detention ponds]) will be necessary to satisfy channel and flood protection requirements when dry swales are used. However, these practices can help reduce detention requirements for a site through volume reduction.
==Water quality treatment==
==Water quality treatment==
Dry swales can remove a wide variety of stormwater pollutants through chemical and bacterial degradation, sorption, and filtering. Surface water load reductions are also realized by virtue of the reduction in runoff volume.
Dry swales can remove a wide variety of stormwater pollutants through chemical and bacterial degradation, sorption, and filtering. Surface water load reductions are also realized by virtue of the reduction in runoff volume.
Properly designed infiltration systems discussed later in this section will accommodate a design volume based on the required water quality volume. Excess water must be by-passed and diverted to another BMP so that the design infiltration occurs within 48 hours. In no case should the by-passed volume be included in the pollutant removal calculation. No pollutant removal occurs for runoff water that bypasses the practice.
Properly designed infiltration systems discussed later in this section will accommodate a design volume based on the required water quality volume. Excess water must be by-passed and diverted to another BMP so that the design infiltration occurs within 48 hours. In no case should the by-passed volume be included in the pollutant removal calculation. No pollutant removal occurs for runoff water that bypasses the practice.
For more information, see [[Calculating credits for dry swale (grass swale)]]
{{:Median pollutant removal percentages for BMPs}}
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*When used as an infiltration practice, there is a risk of groundwater contamination depending on subsurface conditions, land use and aquifer susceptibility.
*When used as an infiltration practice, there is a risk of groundwater contamination depending on subsurface conditions, land use and aquifer susceptibility.
*They are not ideal for stormwater runoff from land uses or activities with the potential for high sediment or pollutant loads.
*They are not ideal for stormwater runoff from land uses or activities with the potential for high sediment or pollutant loads.
*They are not recommended for areas with steep slopes. Use step pools for these situations.
*They are not recommended for areas with steep slopes. Use [https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=High-gradient_stormwater_step-pool_swale step pools] for these situations.
*Swales are difficult to protect from sediment-laden runoff during construction
*Swales are difficult to protect from sediment-laden runoff during construction.
The following general limitations should be recognized when considering installation of dry swales with underdrains (filtration):
The following general limitations should be recognized when considering installation of dry swales with underdrains (filtration):
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*They are not ideal for stormwater runoff from land uses or activities with the potential for high sediment or pollutant loads.
*They are not ideal for stormwater runoff from land uses or activities with the potential for high sediment or pollutant loads.
*They are not recommended for areas with steep slopes.
*They are not recommended for areas with steep slopes.
*Nitrification of water in dry swale media filters may occur where aerobic conditions exist.
*<span title="The biological oxidation of ammonia or ammonium to nitrite followed by the oxidation of the nitrite to nitrate."> '''Nitrification'''</span> of water in dry swale media filters may occur where aerobic conditions exist.
*They offer limited or no water quantity control.  
*They offer limited or no water quantity control.  
*The potential to create odors exists.
*The potential to create odors exists.
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==Related pages==
==Related pages==
*[[Terminology for swales (grass channels)]]
*[[Terminology for swales|Terminology for swales (grass channels)]]
*[[Overview for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Overview for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[BMPs for stormwater infiltration|Types of infiltration]]
*[[BMPs for stormwater infiltration|Types of infiltration]]
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*[[Assessing the performance of dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Assessing the performance of dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Calculating credits for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Calculating credits for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Cost-benefit considerations for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Cost considerations for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Case studies for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Case studies for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[External resources for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[Plants for swales]]
*[[Check dams for stormwater swales]]
*[[External resources for swales|External resources for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[References for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[[References for dry swale (grass swale)]]
*[https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Requirements,_recommendations_and_information_for_using_swale_without_an_underdrain_as_a_BMP_in_the_MIDS_calculator Requirements, recommendations and information for using dry swale (grass swale) without an underdrain in the MIDS calculator]
*[https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Requirements,_recommendations_and_information_for_using_swale_without_an_underdrain_as_a_BMP_in_the_MIDS_calculator Requirements, recommendations and information for using dry swale (grass swale) without an underdrain in the MIDS calculator]
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*[[Dry swale (grass swale) and interesting websites]]
*[[Dry swale (grass swale) and interesting websites]]
[[Category:BMP overview]]
[[Category:Level 3 - Best management practices/Guidance and information/BMP overview]]
[[Category:Level 3 - Best management practices/Structural practices/Dry swale]]

Latest revision as of 02:41, 15 December 2022

photo of a dry swale
Photo of a dry swale. Courtesy of Limnotech.
Green Infrastructure: Swales can be an important tool for retention and detention of stormwater runoff. Because they utilize vegetation, swales provide additional benefits, including cleaner air, carbon sequestration, improved biological habitat, and aesthetic value.

Dry swales, sometimes called grass swales, are similar to bioretention cells but are configured as shallow, linear channels. Dry swales function primarily as a conveyance BMP, but provide treatment of stormwater runoff, particularly when used in tandem with check dams that temporarily retain water in a series of cells. Dry swales with an underdrain and engineered soil media are considered a filtration. Dry swales with in-situ soils capable of infiltration, (A or B soils) are considered infiltration practices. Dry swales are designed to prevent standing water. Dry swales typically have vegetative cover such as turf or native perennial grasses.

Function within stormwater treatment train

Dry swales may be located throughout the treatment train, including the main form of conveyance between or out of BMPs, at the end of the treatment train, or designed as offline configurations where the Water Quality Volume is diverted to the filtration or infiltration practice. In any case, the practice may be applied as part of a stormwater management system to achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • reduce stormwater pollutants (filtration or infiltration practices)
  • increase groundwater recharge (infiltration practices)
  • decrease runoff peak flow rates (filtration or infiltration practices)
  • decrease the volume of stormwater runoff (infiltration practices)
  • preserve baseflow in streams (infiltration practices)
  • reduce thermal impacts of runoff (filtration or infiltration practices)

Typical applications

Applications of dry swales with or without underdrains can vary extensively. Typical applications include

  • individual lots for rooftop, driveway, and other on-lot impervious surface;
  • shared facilities in common areas for individual lots;
  • areas within loop roads or cul-de-sacs;
  • landscaped parking lot islands;
  • within right-of-ways along roads;
  • common landscaped areas in apartment complexes or other multifamily housing designs;
  • between buildings in industrial and commercial developments; and
  • conveyance between detention structures and receiving waters.

Infeasibility criteria

schematic showing horizontal and vertical setback distances
Schematic showing some horizontal and vertical separation distances from an infiltration BMP. A separation distance may be required, such as with a drinking water well, or recommended, as with an underground tank. (Source: CDM Smith) Not to scale.

Certain site-specific conditions may make use of dry swales without underdrains infeasible. Examples include sites where

  • infiltrating water would threaten drinking water sources (e.g., in Karst areas);
  • ordinances established by the local government with jurisdiction, such as setbacks from structures, conflict with the proposed location;
  • infiltrating water would threaten existing below grade basements;
  • in situ soil infiltration capacity is too low or too high;
  • high levels of contaminants in soil or groundwater exist;
  • the only area available for siting does not allow for a safe overflow pathway to the municipal separate storm sewer system or private storm sewer system; or
  • reasonable concerns about erosion, slope failure, or down gradient flooding exist and cannot be overcome by swale design modifications.

MPCA permit applicability

One of the goals of this Manual is to facilitate understanding of and compliance with the MPCA Construction General Permit (CGP), which includes design and performance standards for permanent stormwater management systems. These standards must be applied in all projects in which at least 1 acre of land is disturbed and1 acre of new impervious area is being created, and the permit stipulates certain standards for various categories of stormwater management practices.

For regulatory purposes, dry swales fall under the Infiltration / Filtration category described in the MPCA CGP. If used in combination with other practices, credit for combined stormwater treatment can be given. Due to the statewide prevalence of the MPCA permit, design guidance in this section is presented with the assumption that the permit does apply. Although it is expected that in many cases the dry swale will be used in combination with other practices, standards are described for the case in which it is a stand-alone practice.

The following terms are thus used in the text to distinguish various levels of dry swale (grass swale) design guidance:

  • REQUIRED: Indicates design standards stipulated by the MPCA CGP (or other consistently applicable regulations).
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Indicates design guidance that is extremely beneficial or necessary for proper functioning of the dry swale, but not specifically required by the MPCA CGP.
  • RECOMMENDED: Indicates design guidance that is helpful for dry swale performance but not critical to the design.

There are situations, particularly retrofit projects, in which a dry swale is constructed without being subject to the conditions of the MPCA permit. While compliance with the permit is not required in these cases, the standards it establishes can provide valuable design guidance to the user. It is important to note that additional and potentially more stringent design requirements may apply for a particular dry swale, depending on where it is situated both jurisdictionally and within the surrounding landscape.

Warning: Permit requirements are highlighted in red text boxes

Retrofit suitability

The use of dry swales as a retrofit practice primarily depends on existing infrastructure and the compatibility of existing storm drain inverts that need to connect to the dry swale outflow. In general, four to six feet of elevation above the existing collection system invert is needed for dry swale retrofits (2 to 3 feet is needed for perimeter filters).

Special receiving waters suitability

The following table provides guidance regarding the use of dry swales in areas upstream of special receiving waters.

Infiltration and filtration bmp1 design restrictions for special waters and watersheds. See also Sensitive waters and other receiving waters.
Link to this table

BMP Group receiving water
A Lakes B Trout Waters C Drinking Water2 D Wetlands E Impaired Waters
Infiltration RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED NOT RECOMMENDED if potential stormwater pollution sources evident RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED unless target TMDL pollutant is a soluble nutrient or chloride
Filtration Some variations NOT RECOMMENDED due to poor phosphorus removal, combined with other treatments RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED ACCEPTABLE RECOMMENDED for non-nutrient impairments

1Filtration practices include green roofs, bmps with an underdrain, or other practices that do not infiltrate water and rely primarily on filtration for treatment.
2 Applies to groundwater drinking water source areas only; use the lakes category to define BMP design restrictions for surface water drinking supplies

Cold climate suitability

Photo showing Snow plowed and piled in parking lot
Snow plowed and piled in parking lot. Consideration should be given in locating these "snow dumps", since they will contribute a significant amount of stormwater runoff.

Dry swales should remain effective water quality improvement systems for many years, even during winter conditions, if designed and constructed properly. It has been shown that hydraulic efficiency and infiltration rates can remain at levels used for design sizing. However, in cold climates, some special considerations are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for surface systems like dry swales to ensure sustained functionality and limit the damage freezing temperatures and snow and ice removal may cause. One concern with dry swales used for filtration in cold weather is the ice that forms both over the top of the facility and within the soil interstices. To avoid these problems to the extent possible, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that the facility be actively managed to keep it dry before it freezes in the late fall. This can be done by various methods, including limiting inflow and ensuring the underdrain is functional.

Even if the infiltration properties of a dry swale are marginal for snowmelt runoff during the period of deep frost in the winter, the storage available in the facility will provide water quality benefit if the facility is dry entering the melt season. However, flow originating in an industrial area, a high traffic area where large amounts of salt are added, or another potential stormwater hotspots (PSHs) should be diverted away from dry swales if pretreatment features have not been properly designed to handle such an increase in loading.

For all BMPs it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that snow and ice removal plans, including predetermined locations for stockpiling, be determined prior to or during the design process. Dry swales cannot be used for significant snow storage areas as debris build-up, plant damage, and lower infiltration rates are likely to occur. Some snow storage is unavoidable when BMPs are adjacent to areas where snow removal is required. It is critical that the property owner and snow and ice removal contractor have identified other areas for large scale snow storage.

Excessive deicing agents have the potential could lead to reduced soil infiltration rates (from excess sodium) or concentrations that exceed surface water or groundwater standards (from excess chloride). Locations such as busy intersections on slopes, parking garage ramps, or walkways near the entrances of commercial buildings are likely to be heavily treated with deicing agents. This should be taken into consideration when siting any dry swale.

Plant selection is critical to ensure that the damaging effects of snow and ice removal do not severely impact plantings or seedings. Even a small amount of snow storage can break and uproot plants requiring additional maintenance in the spring. Woody trees and shrubs should be selected that can tolerate some salt spray from plowing operations.

For more information on cold climate effects, see Cold climate impact on runoff management.

Water quantity treatment

Where a project’s ultimate development replaces vegetation and/or other pervious surfaces with one (1) or more acres of cumulative impervious surface, the Permittee(s) must design the project so that the water quality volume (Vwq) of one (1) inch of runoff from the new impervious surfaces created by the project is retained on site (i.e. infiltration or other volume reduction practices) and not discharged to a surface water. If the water quality volume cannot be retained due to site constraints, a portion of the water quality volume should be retained on site to the extent that site conditions allow.

The amount of stormwater volume infiltrated depends on the design variant selected. Smaller swales should either be designed offline using a flow diversion, or designed to safely pass large storm flows while still protecting the infiltration area or filtration media. In limited cases (e.g. extremely permeable soils), these dry swales can accommodate the channel protection volume, Vcp, in either an off- or online configuration.

In general, supplemental stormwater practices (e.g. detention ponds) will be necessary to satisfy channel and flood protection requirements when dry swales are used. However, these practices can help reduce detention requirements for a site through volume reduction.

Water quality treatment

Dry swales can remove a wide variety of stormwater pollutants through chemical and bacterial degradation, sorption, and filtering. Surface water load reductions are also realized by virtue of the reduction in runoff volume.

Properly designed infiltration systems discussed later in this section will accommodate a design volume based on the required water quality volume. Excess water must be by-passed and diverted to another BMP so that the design infiltration occurs within 48 hours. In no case should the by-passed volume be included in the pollutant removal calculation. No pollutant removal occurs for runoff water that bypasses the practice.

For more information, see Calculating credits for dry swale (grass swale)

Median pollutant removal percentages for several stormwater BMPs. Sources. More detailed information and ranges of values can be found in other locations in this manual, as indicated in the table. NSD - not sufficient data. NOTE: Some filtration bmps, such as biofiltration, provide some infiltration. The values for filtration practices in this table are for filtered water.
Link to this table

Practice TSS TP PP DP TN Metals1 Bacteria Hydrocarbons
Infiltration2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Biofiltration and Tree trench/tree box with underdrain 80 link to table link to table link to table 50 35 95 80
Sand filter 85 50 85 0 35 80 50 80
Iron enhanced sand filter 85 65 or 746 85 40 or 606 35 80 50 80
Dry swale (no check dams) 68 link to table link to table link to table 35 80 0 80
Wet swale (no check dams) 35 0 0 0 15 35 35 NSD
Constructed wet ponds4, 5 84 50 or 685 84 8 or 485 30 60 70 80
Constructed wetlands 73 38 69 0 30 60 70 80
Permeable pavement (with underdrain) 74 41 74 0 NSD NSD NSD NSD
Green roofs 85 0 0 0 NSD NSD NSD NSD
Vegetated (grass) filter 68 0 0 0 NSD NSD NSD NSD
Harvest and reuse Removal is 100% for captured water that is infiltrated. For water captured and routed to another practice, use the removal values for that practice.

TSS=Total suspended solids, TP=Total phosphorus, PP=Particulate phosphorus, DP=Dissolved phosphorus, TN=Total nitrogen
1Data for metals is based on the average of data for zinc and copper
2BMPs designed to infiltrate stormwater runoff, such as infiltration basin/trench, bioinfiltration, permeable pavement with no underdrain, tree trenches with no underdrain, and BMPs with raised underdrains.
3Pollutant removal is 100 percent for the volume infiltrated, 0 for water bypassing the BMP. For filtered water, see values for other BMPs in the table.
4Dry ponds do not receive credit for volume or pollutant removal
5Removal is for Design Level 2. If an iron-enhanced pond bench is included, an additional 40 percent credit is given for dissolved phosphorus. Use the lower values if no iron bench exists and the higher value if an iron bench exists.
6Lower values are for Tier 1 design. Higher values are for Tier 2 design.


The following general limitations should be recognized when considering installation of dry swales without underdrains (infiltration).

  • Limited monitoring data are available and field longevity is not well documented.
  • Failure can occur due to improper siting, design, construction and maintenance.
  • Systems are susceptible to clogging by sediment and organic debris.
  • When used as an infiltration practice, there is a risk of groundwater contamination depending on subsurface conditions, land use and aquifer susceptibility.
  • They are not ideal for stormwater runoff from land uses or activities with the potential for high sediment or pollutant loads.
  • They are not recommended for areas with steep slopes. Use step pools for these situations.
  • Swales are difficult to protect from sediment-laden runoff during construction.

The following general limitations should be recognized when considering installation of dry swales with underdrains (filtration):

  • Limited monitoring data are available and field longevity is not well documented.
  • Failure can occur due to improper siting, design, construction and maintenance.
  • Systems are susceptible to clogging by sediment and organic debris.
  • They are not ideal for stormwater runoff from land uses or activities with the potential for high sediment or pollutant loads.
  • They are not recommended for areas with steep slopes.
  • Nitrification of water in dry swale media filters may occur where aerobic conditions exist.
  • They offer limited or no water quantity control.
  • The potential to create odors exists.

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This page was last edited on 15 December 2022, at 02:41.