It is generally easier and less expensive to prevent pollution at the source than restore surface waters once they're polluted. Permitted municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) communities are the first line of defense for many pollutants entering storm sewer systems within their jurisdiction, such as
Minimum Control Measure (MCM) 6 in the MS4 General Permit requires permittees to maintain a operations and maintenance program to prevent or reduce pollutant discharges from municipally owned or operated properties. The program must include:
Click on the blue links above in the "MS4 General Permit requirements" section to jump to the referenced section or page. Links to specific resources related to MCM 6 are listed below.
Fact sheets and guidance documents should provide background information and tips to inform your approach to implementing MCM 6 - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
Webinars that will help enhance your pollution prevention operations.
Below are examples, tools, or other resources to jump-start your employee training program.
Documentation and tracking templates are examples that local stormwater staff are currently using to meet the MS4 PART III.STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM (SWPPP)#6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping For Municipal Operations| MS4 General Permit requirements for MCM 6 - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
Below are methods that local stormwater staff are currently using to meet the municipal operation inspection documentation Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping For Municipal Operations| requirements in the MS4 General Permit for MCM 6 - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
Example procedures are those that local stormwater staff are currently using to meet the MS4 PART III.STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM (SWPPP)#6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping For Municipal Operations| MS4 General Permit requirements for MCM 6 - Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
The information in this section provides MS4 permittees with tools they can use to meet MCM 6, which addresses pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations.