Did you gather the site information necessary to proceed through the flow chart?
Prior to using the flow chart, gather the following preliminary information.
Does project create one acre or more of new and/or fully reconstructed impervious surfaces?
PREVIOUS QUESTION and ANSWER: The previous question defined the performance goals.
The project creates less than 1 acre of impervious surface.
Is the project linear?
PREVIOUS QUESTION and ANSWER: Does project create one acre or more of new and/or fully reconstructed impervious surfaces? Answer - Yes
Are there constraints due to lack of available ROW, off site drainage and/or rate control requirements?
Is Flexible Treatment Option (FTO) 2 feasible?
PREVIOUS QUESTION and ANSWER: Are there restraints due to lack of available right-of-way, off-site drainage, and/or rate control requirements? Answer: Yes
Select Flexible treatment Option 2. You have completed the flow chart.
Applicant attempts to comply with the following conditions:
PREVIOUS STEP: It was determined that the site is linear, there are constraints due to lack of right-of-way or off/site drainage and/or rate control requirements, and a reasonable effort to acquire all of the right-of-way cannot be made.
Off-site mitigation (including banking or cash or treatment on another project, as determined by the local authority) equivalent to the volume reduction performance goal can be used in areas selected in the following order of preference:
PREVIOUS QUESTION: It was determined that Flexible Treatment Option 2 is not feasible.
Are there zoning and land use requirements that make the Performance Goal not feasible?