This How-To Guide is intended to clarify why and how to track Street Sweeping Program activities. Street sweeping is the capture and removal of debris from roadways prior to entering the storm drain system. This debris includes natural and manmade organic and inorganic materials such as leaves, sediment, food scraps, garbage, deicer salt, and roadway materials. This guide covers why tracking street sweeping efforts is important, how to track street sweeping, and an evaluation of various tracking methodologies.
Reasons for engaging in street sweeping vary based on desired benefits street sweeping provides. Benefits include but are not limited to the following.
The adjacent image illustrates a four-step process for street sweeping. Tracking occurs after sweeping and is an essential step prior to evaluation, documentation, and reporting (Summary and Evaluation). Tracking is important and beneficial for any of the following reasons.
How a municipality, agency, or consultant tracks their street sweeping program efforts depends primarily on why they are performing street sweeping activities and what resources are available. According to a recent Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) street sweeping survey of Minnesota communities, the greatest challenge facing street sweeping programs statewide is funding, which plays a large role in deciding when and where to sweep and how to track sweeping. Implementation of a tracking method involves a three-step process.
To successfully implement a tracking method, instructions should be clear, precise, and simple, while not providing overly burdensome or cumbersome additional work to the person recording the data.
Data tracking and management of street sweeping activities must strike a balance between collecting data at a fine enough resolution to provide helpful insight to the program, while at a coarse enough resolution to remain manageable for those conducting the tracking. There is no one-size-fits all method for tracking street sweeping activities because of factors which can vary by municipality, neighborhood, and street, including:
The level of detail and/or specificity included in data tracked from sweeping events varies greatly based on the capacity, interest, and/or requirement a municipality may have to further analyze and evaluate the sweeper data to potentially optimize program activities.
There are many ways to track street sweeping activities, thought they can be divided into the following two categories.
Tracking objectives, advantages, disadvantages, and challenges for some of the most common tracking methods are discussed below.
Some methods are borrowed from other municipal tracking methods associated with fleet management such as those used for tracking snowplows or road winterizing application vehicles. Some methods are relatively low-tech, while others require significant investment in electronic tracking hardware and software. While tracking of street sweeping activities can have a perceived burden on municipal staff, there are some tracking approaches that do not involve cumbersome paperwork, but rather can be accomplished with an upfront lift in developing a “hybrid approach” to tracking.
Below are descriptions of various methods that can be employed to track street sweeping activities. Typically, municipalities track distance swept or debris collected, or both. Tracking methods can be combined to establish routines that work for an individual municipality based on time, budget, and goals for tracking. Although uncommon, effectiveness of a street sweeping program can be monitored indirectly by tracking water quality within the storm drain system; however, this method takes significantly more time and requires an extensive level of effort before a difference in water quality can usually be documented. The various common methods for tracking street sweeping for water quality described in this section are ones which can most directly apply to using the MPCA Street Sweeping Credit Calculator for TP removal credit for street sweeping activities:
To calculate TP load reduction credit using the MPCA Street Sweeping Credit Calculator, minimum inputs include either curb miles swept (which can be tracked by methods 1 or 2 above), pounds of sweeper debris as wet mass (tracking method 3), or pounds of sweeper debris as dry mass which can be ascertained using tracking method 3 with additional laboratory analyses (method 4). Tracking based exclusively on volume of sweeper loads (tracking method 5) is not currently linked to TP load removal credit; however, where volume to mass relationships can be developed (tracking method 6), mass methods can be employed.
The distance swept by a street sweeping vehicle can be recorded manually by an operator (on paper logs and/or input into a spreadsheet or database) using a variety of options which may include recording:
Estimating distance swept is the least technical option for tracking, and it has large room for inaccuracy due to the impracticality of manually tracking sweeper engagement and curb obstacles like parked cars or route changes that can throw off planned routes and mileage. Tracking distance swept can be used to address asset management, positive benefit quantification, and public engagement objectives. If sweeping for water quality benefits, this tracking method can only be used to calculate credits using the miles swept option in the MPCA Street Sweeping Credit Calculator, which results in the lowest TP credit.
===Distance swept: GPS records Digital logging of distance swept is a higher tech option and produces high accuracy results. Onboard GPS and/or Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) devices allow for integrated fleet management between sweeper vehicles. Depending on the type and features of GPS/AVL hardware and software employed, beneficial features may include
GPS/AVL for fleet management can be expensive; however, results can lead to cost-saving measures down the road. Many municipalities employ GPS trackers on snowplow fleets. These specific hardware and software linkages may also be employed for street sweeping fleet management and tracking.
GPS records of distance swept can be used to address asset management, positive benefit quantification, and public engagement objectives. If sweeping for water quality benefits, this tracking method can only be used to calculate credits using the miles swept option in the MPCA Street Sweeping Credit Calculator, which results in the lowest TP credit.
Traditional mass measurement of sweeper debris is the weighing of a sweeper waste load by a number of potential methods.
This type of mass measurement is considered “wet mass” in the context of TP load reduction using the MPCA Street Sweeping Credit Calculator because “dry mass” is only obtained when sweeper waste has undergone desiccation techniques in a laboratory. When wet mass is measured for water quality, it is valuable to record the season of data collection (fall or non-fall leaf collection season) because street sweepings from the fall season are typically laden with organic leaf matter, which correlates with higher TP removal credit using the MPCA Credit Calculator. Due to this strong seasonality observed in Minnesota municipal datasets, it may be advantageous to collect wet mass measurements by individual load or of aggregate debris piles from a given time period.
The accuracy of estimating true TP load reduction associated with street sweeping can be increased by processing representative samples of seasonal sweeper loads for laboratory analysis (see next section).
Directly weighing street sweeping waste collected from sweeping events yields the wet mass. To obtain the dry mass, a representative sample or set of samples is collected for percent moisture analysis (dry basis moisture content). The analysis may be done by a laboratory or on-site following procedures described in Methods for sampling street sweeping material – Standard Operating Procedures. The resulting information can be applied to the relevant sweeper load(s) to approximate the total load dry mass as a function of the known wet mass and the dry basis moisture content. An additional laboratory analysis that can be input to the MPCA Street Sweeping Credit Calculator is percent organic matter content, which can refine TP load reduction credit based on an empirical relationship between organic matter content and TP concentration in street sweeping waste materials. Further lab analyses can also identify the locally specific TP content associated with sweeping materials, though this method is not available for credit in the MPCA Street Sweeping Calculator.
Higher accuracy in quantifying TP removal from street sweeping can be achieved by conducting representative laboratory sampling of multiple sweeping loads from various seasons, watersheds, and primary routes in the municipality. While the gold standard for approximating quantifiable TP removed from sweeping is direct measurement of TP content in sweeper waste via laboratory methods, significant research has shown valuable empirical relationships can be developed between various data tracking methods and lab results for percent moisture, percent organic matter, nutrient content and more (Hobbie et al., 2020; King et al, 2020). High-intensity mass measurements (high frequency, comprehensive geographic/seasonal representation) of sweeping waste and associated laboratory analysis can be used to develop empirical relationships between easier-to-track methodologies (such as total load wet weight or total load dry weight), and these more direct methods of determination of TP mass present in a typical sweeping load.
Tracking of the wet mass or dry mass of sweeper waste collected requires additional time and funds beyond what is needed for conducting the sweeping activities themselves, especially if laboratory analyses are used. However, the additional benefits of higher potential TP crediting relative to distance swept may outweigh the costs.
Tracking the volume of sweeper debris collected requires knowing the volume of each street sweeper hopper and tracking how full each hopper is when it is emptied. Measurement of the volume of swept materials requires logging the volume of each hopper load that is collected. Volume tracking may contribute to asset management, positive benefit quantification, program effectiveness evaluations and public engagement objectives. However, it is not currently a viable option for tracking when sweeping for water quality credit is an objective. The MPCA Street Sweeping Credit Calculator currently does not have an option for entering a volume of swept material to calculate pounds of TP removed because empirically based relationships have not yet been developed for this metric in a reliably applicable manner. To receive water quality credit in terms of TP removal, a relationship between volume and mass must be developed (see next section).
The MPCA Street Sweeping Calculator does not currently include input of volume of street sweeping debris directly for TP load reduction credit due to a lack of empirically based data. Although MPCA is supporting ongoing research to potentially develop volume-to-mass relationships for TP load reduction credit, municipalities may wish to collect data to develop locally specific relationships.
Representative tracking can be conducted to develop an empirical relationship between a full hopper load of swept materials and the average mass of the swept materials. The total mass is tracked by recording the number of full or partially full hoppers collected during sweeping events. This mass to full hopper volume relationship can be developed through a pilot study using the actual mass of hopper contents for several locations throughout the jurisdiction, with consideration in variability between seasons, routes, watersheds, sweeper type, and potentially other factors. Although estimating wet mass by volume is less precise than weighing sweeper loads by direct measurement, if supported by empirical relationships, counting hopper loads is very inexpensive and low-tech in the long term.
Most municipalities perform some level of tracking street sweeping activities associated with distance swept and/or debris collected. When the goal of street sweeping is related to water quality, there is value in developing locally specific relationships between an easier-to-measure tracking element (such as wet mass collected) and a more difficult-to-measure tracking element (such as actual TP concentration removed by street sweeping). The various methods detailed in the above sections are summarized below relative to their advantages, disadvantages, data collected, and TP load reduction potential.
Summary of street sweeping tracking methodologies
Once a street sweeping program establishes its sweeping methods, frequencies, waste disposal, and practices – data logging is important to keep records of sweeping data. Data logging for street sweeping provides programmatic insight on efficiencies or inefficiencies, identifies geographic or temporal hot spots for sweeping, allow for program optimization, and ensure future program funding on a basis of demonstrating quantifiable progress with value to the community both aesthetically and for water quality. The manner in which data is logged is dependent on identification of the best tracking method to efficiently capture monitoring data that answers the question a municipality is seeking based on available resources.
Data logging of street sweeping tracking data can include paper records, Excel spreadsheets, Access databases, web-based applications (e.g., PlowTracker), tablets (e.g., iPads), smart trackers (e.g., AVL), etc. The following questions may help a program identify which tracking methods works best for them.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but the examples used for several municipalities across the country included in the following section give some perspective into how and why various data logging options are implemented. No matter which method is selecting for tracking, data management that is easily accessible and understandable is crucial for a successful program. Being able to analyze data collected is essential to answering the question of whether the street sweeping program is meeting its goals.
Municipalities across the United States perform and track street sweeping activities in various ways based on their specific goals and available resources. The fall 2021 MPCA volunteer survey of street sweeping programs across Minnesota indicated that both funding and staff remain challenges for programs, so those items may drive which tracking methodology is feasible for a given municipality. Many municipalities that already have GPS tracking devices and software for monitoring a snowplow fleet employ the same methodology for tracking routes of street sweepings. Several examples of tracking methodology employed within and outside of Minnesota are included below.
Examples of Street sweeping tracking methods in various municipalities