This is intended to take you through a design sequence that allows you to determine the appropriate performance goal at a site. Follow the questions below sequentially to arrive at a performance goal appropriate for your site.
Speak with Local Landowners or others knowledgeable about the site
Inspect Site
Is the site located in a DWSMA, wellhead protection area, or near a drinking well?
Are there existing or proposed utilities, structures, or land use requirements (density, parking, setbacks, etc.) that make the Treatment Goal infeasible or cost prohibitive? yes Karst, shallow groundwater, shallow bedrock|no
Is BMP relocation possible? Karst, shallow groundwater, shallow bedrock|yes Utilities2|no
Are Flexible Treatment Option Alternatives number 1 or number 2 feasible? yes no
Investigate Off-Site Considerations:
Provide site survey, maps, regulations, and/or cost estimates documenting infeasibility and cost-prohibitive nature of meeting the original Treatment Goal or FTO Alternatives